Profiles: Contact information tile
Profiles: Contact information tile
You will require this information when you wish to edit a 'Contact information' tile.
Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to the profile that you would like to update the content of (ensure that you are logged in, and have the appropriate editing rights).
- Click the 'Edit content' button on the top right of your profile.
- Click the 'Edit' button that appears when you hover your mouse over the tile .
- You will see a pop with the following fields:
- 'Title' - Enter the title that you would like for the tile.
- 'Email' - This field is automatically populated when you first create a profile, but can be changed using this form at any time.
- 'Phone 1' - This field can be used for a primary telephone number.
- 'Extension number' - This field can be used to list the extension number for the primary telephone number.
- 'Phone 2' - This field can be used for a secondary telephone number.
- 'Extension number' - This field can be used to list the extension number for the secondary telephone number.
- 'Mobile' - This field can be used to display a mobile number.
- 'Fax' - This field can be used to display a fax number
- 'P.A.' - This field can be used to display a P.A's name or telephone number
- 'P.A. email' - This field can be used to display an email address for a P.A.
- 'Website URL' - This field is for displaying a link to a website
- 'Website URL title' - This field will turn the URL into a text title, that will be clickable.
- 'ORCID identifier' - This field is for an ORCID identifier. If this field is populated, it will create a link to the ORCID information provided.
- 'ORCID title' - This field is for an ORCID title. If this field is populated, it will display as a title for the ORCID information provided, and can be utilised as alt text.
- Click 'Save' to ensure that any updates you have made to the tile are saved.
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