Profiles: Contact information tile

Profiles: Contact information tile

You will require this information when you wish to edit a 'Contact information' tile.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to the profile that you would like to update the content of (ensure that you are logged in, and have the appropriate editing rights).
  2. Click the 'Edit content' button on the top right of your profile.
  3. Click the 'Edit' button that appears when you hover your mouse over the tile .
  4. You will see a pop with the following fields:
    1. 'Title' - Enter the title that you would like for the tile.
    2. 'Email' - This field is automatically populated when you first create a profile, but can be changed using this form at any time.
    3. 'Phone 1' - This field can be used for a primary telephone number.
    4. 'Extension number' - This field can be used to list the extension number for the primary telephone number.
    5. 'Phone 2' - This field can be used for a secondary telephone number.
    6. 'Extension number' - This field can be used to list the extension number for the secondary telephone number.
    7. 'Mobile' - This field can be used to display a mobile number.
    8. 'Fax' - This field can be used to display a fax number
    9. 'P.A.' - This field can be used to display a P.A's name or telephone number
    10. 'P.A. email' - This field can be used to display an email address for a P.A.
    11. 'Website URL' - This field is for displaying a link to a website
    12. 'Website URL title' - This field will turn the URL into a text title, that will be clickable.
    13. 'ORCID identifier' - This field is for an ORCID identifier. If this field is populated, it will create a link to the ORCID information provided.
    14. 'ORCID title' - This field is for an ORCID title. If this field is populated, it will display as a title for the ORCID information provided, and can be utilised as alt text. 
  5. Click 'Save' to ensure that any updates you have made to the tile are saved. 

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