

You will require this information when you would like to use the section content type.

Instructions for adding a new section

  1. Navigate to the location on your Haiku site where you would like to add the new section. Ensure that you are logged in with the relevant editing rights. Note: You can not add a new section in some locations - this is to ensure that the structure of your site is kept manageable.
  2. Click the 'Add new' drop-down menu from the edit bar and select 'Section'. Note: If the 'Section' content type is not available, you cannot add a section in the current context.
  3. You will be taken to a form with six tabs:
    1. Content
      1. 'Title' - this is to give the section a title
      2. 'Short title' - this is to define a short title for the item that will show in navigation and define how the URL of the content is constructed
      3. 'Summary' - this is used as a description of what the section contains. This will be used in item listings and search results, as well as being displayed at the top of the section in certain display views
    2. 'Settings'
      1. 'Exclude from navigation' - if selected, this item will not appear in the navigation tree
      2. 'Hide the title' - if selected, the title will not be shown at the top of the page.
      3. 'Dropdown navigation' - if you are using the section for the top-level navigation on your Haiku site, you can use this field to define which items of content within the section are listed in a dropdown menu from the section tab. To show items, move them from the left box to the right box. You can also reorder them using the up and down arrow. Note: Make sure you select items before moving them across or up and down.
    3. 'Section'
    4. 'Media' - the documentation for the 'Media' functionality can be seen here
    5. 'Categorization'
      1. 'Categories' - use this field to add categories to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the categories that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
      2. 'Type' - use this field to add a type to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the types that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
    6. 'View' - Note: You will need to save the section before this tab displays. The section needs to be built before you can select your 'View' options. This is only relevant for a section that is using the 'Content listing' display option.
      1. 'Sort on' - use this field to define which attribute of the items is used for the sort order
      2. 'Sort order' - use this field to define the ordering of the items by the defined attribute
      3. 'Show images' - if checked the listing will show the images for items that have them related
      4. 'Show load more button' - if you do not use the load more button, pagination will be used after the number of items to load limit has been reached
      5. 'Set the number of items to load' - enter the number of items to load at once or per tab. The minimum is 1, maximum is 50.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes.

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