Replacing the Home page with a Cover page

Replacing the Home page with a Cover page

You will require this information when you have created a Cover page that you would like to use as the Home page for your website.

How to implement a Cover page as the website Home page:

  1. Navigate to your cover page.

  2. Using the 'State:' menu, change the state of the page to 'Publish'

  3. Once the page is published, navigate to your current home page.

  4. On the editors bar, click on the 'Display' tab. You will see a drop down menu.

  5. In the list of items in the menu, one of the options you will see is 'Change content item as default view' - select this option.

  6. This will take you to a page that shows you all of the available pages that you can set as the home page, select the cover page that you have created. This will now show as your homepage. 

  7. You now need to un-publish the previous homepage.

  8. Go to the 'Folder Contents' whilst looking at your new homepage.

  9. You will see your old home page with a little house symbol next to it. Click into this home page, and then using the 'Display' menu on the editors bar, 'Retract' the home page.