Latest Publications tile/portlet

Latest Publications tile/portlet

You will need this information when you have added a Latest Publications tile/portlet, and wish to populate it for the first time, or edit it.

What is the Latest publications tile/portlet?

The latest publications tile/portlet allows you to create a section on a cover page (tile) or webpage (portlet) to automatically show a list of the publications on the website in chronological order by publication date. You can also filter the content of the tile/portlet to a specific category.

Adding content in the Latest Publications tile/portlet:

  1. Whilst the Latest publications tile, and Publications portlet perform in a similar way, the route for adding content to each is different:

    1. Latest Publications tile
      1. In the Compose view, you will see that your Latest Publications tile is already populated with the most recent 4 publications on your website (unless you have not added any yet!). To populate the Latest Publications tile, you will need to hover over the tile until you see the blue Edit button in the top left, and then click on it.
    2. Publications portlet;

      1. Click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the page you wish to host the Publications portlet.

      2. Select Manage portlets from the dropdown menu.

      3. From the portlets drop down menu, click on Publications

  2. The headed sections in the Publications portlet, and Latest publications tile edit interface will be:

  3. Content;
    1. Tile/portlet title
      1. An optional field that is set as Latest Publications as default, but can be changed.
    2. Number of publications to show
      1. You can define the number of publications that list in the tile. These will be sorted in chronological order by publication date.
    3. Show Altmetric score
      1. If this box is checked, the Latest Publications tile/portlet will show the Altmetric score relating to each publication (Altmetric badge needs to be configured in the site setup to show).
  4. Filters (this headed section exists only on the Latest Publications tile) 
    1. Path

      1. This allows the user to select a path to look for Latest publications. By default, posts are taken from the current section only. Enter / for site-wide searching.

    2. Depth

      1. Enter how many levels in the structure should be included in the searching. Leave empty for no limit.

    3. Review State
      1. This field allows you to define whether you as a logged in editor will also see new or hidden publications in the list. These items still will not show to external visitors.
    4. Type
      1. This field allows you to define which publication types are pulled into the tile and manages this with the other available filters.
    5. Research group
      1. This field determines which publications are are pulled into the tile on the basis of the research group(s) that are selected.
    6. Year
      1. This field pulls publications into the tile based on the year(s) specified.
  5. Button
    1. Internal link

      1. If you wish to have a button, which leads to an internal destination within the site, this is determined here.

    2. External link

      1. If you wish to have a button, which leads to an external destination outside of the site, this is determined here.

    3. Open external link in new tab?

      1. If checked, the external link button will open in a new tab.

    4. Button text

      1. This is the text that will appear on the button. If you do not provide text, default text will be shown e.g. Find out more.

    5. Button alignment

      1. This determines where the button will sit in relation to the Latest publications tile/portlet.

    6. Button type

      1. This determines the visual style of the button deployed in the Latest publications tile/portlet.

  6. Style

    1. Box border

      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a border of their choice on either or both sides of the Latest publications tile/portlet.

    2. Box type

      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a highlighted background to the Latest publications tile/portlet.

  7. When using a portlet, there is an additional headed section in the Publications edit interface:

  8. Advanced;

    1. Show only for sub-items

      1. Check this box if you would like to add the portlet at a section level, and define that it shows only on all the items in the section, rather than on the section as well.

Editing content in the Latest Publications tile/porlet:

  1. When editing the Latest publications tile;

    1. Go to the Compose view of the Cover page, navigate to the Latest Publications tile, and hover your cursor over it, the blue Edit button will appear in the top left, click this and edit any of the fields you would like to.

  2. When editing the Publications portlet;

    1. Click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

    2. Select Manage portlets from the dropdown menu.

    3. Click onto the portlet you wish to edit edit any of the fields you would like to.

Removing the Latest Publications tile:

  1. If you wish to remove the Latest Publications tile, navigate to the Layout view of the cover page, and click x in the top left of the tile. When deleting a tile, the tile you are selecting has a red border.

Removing the Publications portlet:

  1. If you wish to remove the Latest publications portlet, click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

  2. Select Manage portlets from the dropdown menu

  3. Click on the X button, next to the portlet you wish to delete.

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