'Collections' Tile/Portlet

'Collections' Tile/Portlet

You will need this information when you want to use a collection tile or portlet.

What is the collection tile/portlet?

A collection tile/portlet is an automatically populating tile that will constantly keep itself up to date with the content that you would like to show on it so that you do not have to make manual updates. The collection tile/portlet is able to aggregate multiple different types of content from across your website. For example, you may wish for the tile/portlet to pull in all items of content that are tagged with a specific category on your website.

Link to the feature on the HaikuHQ

Adding content into the Collections tile:

  1. To add a collections tile:
    1. Navigate to the cover page or location where you would like to add the collection tile (make sure that you are logged in with the appropriate permissions).

    1. In the Layout view, add the tile to the location on the cover page that you want it to display
    2. Save the updated layout and then navigate into the compose view to edit the tile.
  2. To add a collections portlet:
    1. Navigate to the location where you would like to add the collection portlet (make sure that you are logged in with the appropriate permissions).

    1. Navigate to the Manage portlets screen (using the drop-down menu from your name on the right of the edit bar).
    2. Using either primary or secondary portlets (dependant on the display option and content types you are using) select Collection form the drop down.
  3. The headed sections in the Collections tile/portlet edit interface will be:
  4. Content;
    1. This defines how many items the tile will show, useful if you want to have a scrollable list.
    1. This field allows you to determine the order in which the chosen content appears in the tile/portlet. 
  5. Fields tab/Content tab for portlet (Please note that whilst the Fields tab exists only on the Collections tile, it contains the same properties as the Content tab in the Collections portlet);
    1. Title mode (tile only)

      1. This gives the user some control over how the title of the tile/portlet is displayed.

    2. Extra fields
      1. This functionality allows the user to specify any other extra information about the content featured in the tile/portlet.
    3. Show lead images
      1. If the checkbox is selected, the lead images of the blog items will show. If it is unchecked, the images will not show.
    4. Lead images position 
      1. Use the dropdown menu to select the option that best suits how you would like to display the images with the content.
    5. Lead images ratio

      1. This determines the scale of the lead image in the tile/portlet 

    6. Show lead images captions?

      1. If this box is checked, the captions attached to the lead image will be displayed in the tile/portlet.

  6.   Filters tab:
    1. Path
      1. Enter the path of a section relative to the site root. This will determine where specifically the content can be aggregated from if blank it will pick up tagged content from all across the site. 
    2. Depth
      1. Enter how many levels in the structure should be included in the searching. Leave empty for no limit.
    3. Categories
      1. Use these to define what content you want to pull into the tile, based on its tags. If you have duplicated tags across multiple content types, e.g. Research category for both news and events content type, this has been merged and will pull both, until you define the content types below.
    4. Type of content
      1. This field allows you to define which content types are pulled into the tile and manages this with the other available filters.
    5. Review state
      1. This field allows you to define whether you as a logged in editor will also see new or hidden items of content in the list. These items still will not show to external visitors.
    6. Sort on
      1. This field gives you options for how to sort the data in the collection list.
  7. Button tab:
    1. Show more... link (portlet only)
      1. This functionality will link the button to the destination specified in the field. If linking to an external destination, remember to make sure that the link begins with http://.
    2. Internal link (tile only)
      1. If you choose an internal and an external link, the internal link will take priority.
    3. External link (tile only)
      1. This should be a fully formed URL including https.
    4. Button text (tile)
      1. This is the text that will appear on the button. If you do not provide text, default text will be shown e.g. Find out more.
    5. Button alignment
      1. This defines where on the listing the button will be located
    6. Button type
      1. This defines what kind of button you want to show.
  8. Style tab:
    1. Box Border
      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a border of their choice on either or both sides of the tile/portlet.
    2. Box type
      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a highlighted background to the tile/portlet.
  9. When using a portlet, there is an additional headed section in the News edit interface:

  10. Advanced;

    1. Show only for sub-items

      1. Check this box if you would like to add the portlet at a section level, and define that it shows only on all the items in the section, rather than on the section as well. Editing content in the latest news tile/portlet:

Editing content in the Collections tile/portlet:

  1. When editing the Collections tile;
    1. Go to the Compose view of the Cover page, navigate to the Collections tile, and hover your cursor over it, the blue Edit button will appear in the top left, click this and edit any of the fields you would like to.

  2. When editing the Collections portlet;
    1. Click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

    2. Select Manage portlets from the dropdown menu
    3. Click onto the portlet you wish to and edit any of the fields you would like to.

Removing the Collections tile:

  1. If you wish to remove the blog tile/portlet, navigate to the Layout view of the cover page, and click x in the top left of the tile/portlet. When deleting a tile/portlet, the tile/portlet you are selecting has a red border.

Removing the Collections portlet

  1. If you wish to remove the Blog posts portlet, click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

  2. Select Manage portlets from the dropdown menu

  3. Click on the X button, next to the portlet you wish to delete.

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