Section Contents

Section Contents

The Contents tab shows a list of items in a section. It is the place for simple item-by-item actions and for the manipulative actions of copy, cut, paste, move, reorder, etc.

The Contents tab for sections is like "File Manager" or "My Computer" system utilities in Windows and Linux desktops and the "Finder" in Mac OS X, with similar functionality.

Clicking the Contents tab for a section, such as the "News" section below, shows the Contents tab panel:

The Contents tab panel is immediately recognized by observing the check boxes beside the items in the contents list. Click these check boxes to select multiple items for performing copy, cut, rename, delete, change state or reordering operations.

Haiku has a clipboard for copy and cut operations. If you check one or more items, and click cut or copy, a paste button will be added to the row of buttons along the bottom of the panel. If you then click another section, you'll be able to paste the items there. For a cut operation, the items will remain in the source section -- they won't disappear -- until they are pasted somewhere.

Reordering Items:

You have two options when changing position of an item in the section. If you want to reorder items listed on the current page of the Section's Contents tab:

  1. Click and drag (click and hold with mouse left button) a row by grabbing it in the order column to change the order of items in the section
  2. Move item over the contents table to the place where you want to move the item in the Section
  3. And drop it (release mouse left button)

Same operation you can achieve by ordering buttons below action buttons:

  1. Tick the checkbox next to title of an item (s) in the contents table
  2. Click the Arrow Up / Down buttons to change item's position by 1 or selected number of positions in the drop-down control or click the Top / Bottom buttons  to move selected item(s) to the very first or last position in the Section

The latter way of reordering items is useful especially if you want to move item(s) between different pages of the Section Contents table.

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