Image duplicates

Image duplicates

This image is a guide for editors who wish to check if an image has duplicate versions of itself within the image library, and who wish to delete these duplicate images.

Identifying Duplicate Images

  1. As a logged in user with site administrator permissions, navigate to the image library of your site.

  2. Copy the name of an image you want to check for duplicate versions.

  3. Paste this into the search field within the image library interface, and click enter.

  4. In doing so, you will see all other versions of the searched image which are hosted within your image library.

Deleting Duplicate Images

You may want to delete these duplicated images from your image library. When doing so, we advise that you are careful that the images you delete are not going to be deleted from the same image which is potentially being used to support content across your site- ie that deleting it from the image library wont delete it from a page it is being used on.

  1. Having followed the steps above, you will be looking at two or more of the same image in your image library.

  2. Click into an image and scroll down the page. Underneath the image itself will be some ‘Used in’ links, which specify to users which (if any) pages that image is being used in your site.

    1. If the image is being used;

      1. Make a note of the pages it is being used in.

    2. If the image is not being used;

      1. This image can be deleted from the image library.

  3. Check the other images for ‘Used in’ instances.

  4. If the ‘Used in’ instances are the same for all versions of the image in question;

    1. You should be able to delete all but one instance of that image.

  5. If there are unique ‘Used in’ instances for duplicate versions of the image in question;

    1. You will need to either maintain these duplicates, or consolidate them by editing the pages where these duplicate versions are being deployed.


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