Adding/Editing/Removing the fields on a form

Adding/Editing/Removing the fields on a form

You will require this information when you would like to add new fields, edit existing fields or remove fields from a form that you have created.

Step by step instructions to using the fields on a Form:

  1. Navigate to the Forms library on your website, ensuring that you are logged in and have the required permissions.

  2. Access the form that you would like to change or add new fields too.

  3. Select the ‘Fields’ tab from the edit bar at the top of the page.

  4. This will take you to a page where you can add, edit, reorder and remove fields from the form.


  5. To add a new field, click the ‘Add new field…’ button. This will show a pop-up with the options that you require to build the field as you would like it on the form. The documentation for each field can be accessed from the links at the bottom of this page.

  6. To edit the settings of an existing field, click the ‘Settings' button to the right of the field, and the field edit pop-up will be displayed.

  7. To remove an existing field, click the red 'x' to the right of the field, the system will confirm you really want to delete the field.

  8. To populate any of the fields with a default value that will be shown to all users who come to fill out the firm, enter the information that you would like to be the default into the field, and then click the ‘Save Defaults' button at the bottom of the page.

  9. To reorder the fields, click anywhere in the grey outlined box for the field and drag the field to where you would like it to be situated in the form and then drop it.


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