Adding a new field

Adding a new field

You will require this information when you would like to add a new field to a form.

Step by step instructions to adding a field to a form:

  1. Navigate to the Fields tab on the form you would like to add this field too, ensuring that you are logged in and have the required permissions.

  2. To add a new field, click the ‘Add new field…’ button. This will show a pop-up with the options that you require to build the field as you would like it on the form. The documentation for each field can be accessed from the links at the bottom of this page.


  3. You will see a standard pop-up to create a field on the form.


  4. The fields are:

    1. ‘Title' - This is the label that will show for the field.

    2. ‘Short Name’ - This will be populated automatically for you from the name of the field. You should not change this unless you have a specific reason to do so, such as fields with the same name.

    3. ‘Help Text’ - Shows up in the form as help text for the field.

    4. ‘Field type’ - This drop-down menu allows you to pick the type of field that you would like to add to the form.

      1. File Upload - This field allows a user to upload a file to the form. The file is sent to the person receiving the form submissions via email. No copies of the document will be stored in your Haiku website.

      2. Text Line (String) - This field allows for a single line of plain text, with validation available.

      3. Integer - A field that only allows whole numbers to be entered in it.

      4. Label - A plain text label to break up and group fields.

      5. Yes/No - A selection field that allows for yes/no to be the only answer options.

      6. Date - A field that allows a user to provide a date from a date picker.

      7. Date/Time - A field that allows a user to provide a date and a time from a date/time picker.

      8. Floating-point number - A field that allows for a floating-point number to be provided.

      9. Choice - A field that allows a user to select one of the multiple choices available to them.

      10. Image - A field that allows a user to upload an image to the form. The image is sent to the person receiving the form submissions via email. No copies of the image will be stored in your Haiku website.

      11. Rich Label - A rich text label that allows you to break up and group fields. This rich label can have text formatting and media within it.

      12. Multiple choice - A field that allows users to select multiple options form a predefined list of options that you provide.

      13. Text - A field that allows multiple lines of text to be entered by a user of the form.

    5. ‘Required’ - Check this box if you want the populating of this field to be mandatory.

    6. ‘Add’ - click this once you have set the initial parameters of the field that you want to add.

  5. For the information to configure each of the specific fields, please follow a link below.


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