

You will require this information when you would like to add an opportunities section to your Haiku site.

Instructions for adding an Opportunities section

  1. Navigate to the location on your Haiku site where you would like to add an Opportunities section. Ensure that you are logged in and have the relevant editing rights.
  2. Click on 'Add new' on the edit bar and select 'Section' form the dropdown.
  3. Fill in the details of the section creation form and save the page
  4. Using the dropdown menu from your account name, in the top right of the page, on the edit bar, select 'Manage behaviours'
  5. You will now see a page with a list of available behaviours, in a dropdown field, select 'Opportunities section' then save the form and navigate back to view the section you have created

Step-by-step guide to defining the view of an Opportunities section

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities section, ensuring that you are logged in with the relevant editing rights and click 'Edit' on the edit bar at the top of the page
  2. You will see a form with eight tabs:
    1.  Content
      1. 'Title' - this is to give the section a title
      2. 'Short title' - this is to define a short title for the item that will show in navigation and define how the URL of the content is constructed
      3. 'Summary' - this is used as a description of what the section contains. This will be used in item listings and search results, as well as being displayed at the top of the section in certain display views
    2.  'Settings'
      1. 'Exclude from navigation' - if selected, this item will not appear in the navigation tree
      2. 'Hide the title' - if selected, the title will not be shown at the top of the page.
      3. 'Dropdown navigation' - if you are using the section for the top-level navigation on your Haiku site, you can use this field to define which items of content within the section are listed in a dropdown menu from the section tab. To show items, move them from the left box to the right box. You can also reorder them using the up and down arrow. Note: Make sure you select items before moving them across or up and down.
    3. 'Section'
    4. 'Media' - the documentation for the 'Media' functionality can be seen here
    5. 'Categorization'
      1. 'Categories' - use this field to add categories to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the categories that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
      2. 'Type' - use this field to add a type to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the types that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
    6. 'View'
      1. 'Opportunities path' - select path opportunities are looking in. By default, items are taken from the current section only. Enter '/' for site-wide searching.
      2. 'Show only active opportunities' - check this box to only show opportunities that have not reached their expiry date yet
      3. 'Listing item extra info' - use this field to define which information related to each item will be shown on the listing page
      4. 'Show images' - check this box to show listing image related to each item. Note: The following three fields will only show if this box is checked.
      5. 'Images position' - use this field to define where on the listing the images show in relation to the title and description
      6. 'Images ratio' - use this field to define the ratio of the listing images
      7. 'Default image' - use this field to define a default image to use in the listing for items that do not already have one associated with them
      8. 'Select visible opportunities categories' - use this field to define which items are listed on the section listing using the categories that they are tagged with
      9. 'Select visible opportunities types' - use this field to define which items are listed on the section listing using the types that they are tagged with
      10. 'Select visible listing filters' - use this field to define which filters are available for users to filter and search the items in the section
      11. 'Select listing filters position' - use this field to define where on the page the filters will display
      12. 'Show load more button' - if you do not use the load more button, pagination will be used after the number of items to load limit has been reached
      13. 'Show number of opportunities per tab/row' - if this field is checked it will show the user how many items there are in the section/tab
      14. 'Enter the number of items to load' - enter the number of items to load at once or per tab. The minimum is 1, maximum is 50.
    7. 'Promoted
      1. 'Title for promoted section' - input a title that will show at the top of the promoted items
      2. 'Promoted opportunities' - use this field to search for and select the items that you would like to promote at the top of the section listing
      3. 'Listing: item extra info' select the attributes of the items that you would like to show in the 'Promoted' section
      4. 'Show images' - check this box if you would like to show the images related to the promoted items
  3. Don't forget to save your changes.

Step-by-step guide to adding Opportunities

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities section of your website (ensure that you are logged in and have the appropriate editing rights)
  2. Using the 'Add new' menu on the edit bar, select 'Opportunity'
  3. You will be taken to a form with four tabs and a date widget to create the new opportunity.
    1. 'Content'
      1. 'Title' - this is to give the item a title
      2. 'Short title' - this is to define a short title for the item that will show in navigation and define how the URL of the content is constructed
      3. 'Summary' - this is used as a description of what the item is. This will be used in item listings and search results, as well as being displayed at the top of the item.
      4. 'External link' - if you provide a link in this field when a user clicks on the item from the Opportunities listing, they will be taken directly to this URL, rather than to the items page. As an editor, you will be taken to the detail page of the item so that you are able to edit it easily.
      5. 'Text' - use this field for the main body content of the item of content
      6. 'Amount label' - use this field to choose the label for the field, it is configurable in the site setup so this field does not have to be used for an 'Amount' but can be used for the most appropriate filed title for the item of content
      7. 'Amount' - use this field to populate the information related to the label set above
      8. 'Apply label' - use this field to choose the label for the field, it is configurable in the site setup so this field does not have to be used for 'Apply' but can be used for the most appropriate filed title for the item of content e.g. 'Find out more'
      9. 'Apply from link'  - use this field to provide the link for a user to follow if you need to take them to another page/form
      10. 'Contact person' - use this field to link to a profile on your website for users to be able to get in touch if they require more information
      11. 'Related opportunities' - use this field to link other opportunities to this one at the bottom of the content
    2. 'Dates'
      1. 'Publishing date' - if you are going to publish the content manually, you can ignore this field. If you would like to set a publishing date for the item that is in the future, pick a date and time. Note: You will still need to publish the item of content, but it will be hidden from listings and searches for anonymous users until the publishing date/time is reached.
      2. 'Expiration date' - if you do not want this item to expire, you can ignore this field. If you want this item to no longer be visible to users after a certain date/time, pick a date and time. when this date/time is reached the item of content will be hidden from listings and searches. You will still be able to see it as an editor and it will not be deleted from the system.
      3. 'Closing date' - this date will be displayed on the section listing, as well as on the individual item of content landing page. You are able to define that opportunities that are past their closing date do not show on listings. Useful for job advertisements for example.
    3. 'Settings'
      1. 'Exclude from navigation' - if selected, this item will not appear in the navigation tree
      2. 'Hide the title' - if selected, the title will not be shown at the top of the page.
    4. 'Media' - the documentation for the 'Media' functionality can be seen here
    5. 'Categorization'
      1. 'Categories' - use this field to add categories to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the categories that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
      2. 'Type' - use this field to add a type to the section for it to be reused across your Haiku site. You will first need to add the types that you want to use in the Taxonomy. You can see the documentation for the Taxonomy here.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes.

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