8.9 How to Monitor Marking for Written Exams

Accessing the Marking Overview Screen

For any Exam in Marking

  • Click View

  • Click View Markers



  • Click View

  • Click Set Standard

  • Click Items

Assigned users for marking roles (marker, reviewer, senior marker) will be shown with progress information. This is the same view for VSAQ, SAQ and MWQ Items. The total number of candidates: to be marked / in progress / completed are shown per marker.

Changing a Marker

If a marker has not started, as exam admin can remove the marker by clicking the red X symbol next to that marker and replace them by:

  • Click X

  • Select the item

  • Click Assign individual marker


Accessing marker specific overview

The marking overview screen for a specific marker can be accessed by:

  • Click the name of the marker/reviewer/senior marker

  • For SAQ/MWQ

    • The overview screen will show Candidate ID and name

    • Click any Candidate to see the marksheet and marks provided by the marker

  • For VSAQ

    • The overview screen will show an option to View

    • Click View to see all the responses and marks provided by the marker