8.9 Viewing and accessing Results, Data and Statistics of a Live Exam

Practique analyses results in real time so you can get a snap shot of how your exam is performing and have a complete view immediately after the exam has finished. This page explains the different results and information that is available and where to find it.

If the session is still in progress...

If the session is still in progress you can access the results via the "Dashboard" tab. For the session you want to look at click "view" then choose from the list:

View candidates: at glance view of a candidate's current marks out of total possible marks. You will also be able to click through and see a break down of all the marks by station for a candidate and who was examining them. You can make changes to the marks here if you need as well as changing the examiner name if there was a change during the exam.  You will be required to give a reason for any changes.

View Items: At a glance view of how each station is performing overall. You can also view each Item, amend the cut score or exclude the item from the exam. Excluding the item will remove it from all statistical analysis. 

View Examiners: At a glance view each examiner, how many passes they have awarded and their average score given. 

View logins: At a glance view of who is logged into which iPad and how many marks have been submitted by each examiner. This page is really useful to see if an Examiner has logged out and to quickly see if all the expected marks have been submitted. incomplete submissions will show in red (4/6) Complete submissions will show in grey (6/6)