8.9 How to start a Remote OSCE Exam

For any Remote OSCE Exam that is set up and ready to start

Examiners should have been given their login details including a correct link (URL) to the Exam ahead of Exam start date and time to ensure they are prepared, this is managed outside of the system.

  • Click View then View Sessions for the Exam from the Exams list

  • Click Publish to Devices

This step will enable all participants to view and select the Exam from the list of Exams available to them. They will be able to download the Exam and log in. Participants will then be held at a screen until the Exam is started.

  • Click Dashboard

  • Click Start Session for the Exam from the Dashboard

  • Click View then View Logins

  • Click the Checkbox to select all candidates (use the checkboxes to select/deselect candidates as required)

  • Click Start

This will start the exam for all (selected as required) participants. The Exam is now in progress. The Exam can be monitored in the system.