8.9 How to start a Remote Proctored Written Exam

For any Written Exam that is set up and ready to start

Candidates should have been given their login details including a correct link (URL) to the Exam ahead of Exam start date and time to ensure they are prepared, this is managed outside of the system.

  • Click View then View Sessions for the Exam from the Exams list

  • Click Publish to Devices

This step will enable candidates to view and select the Exam from the list of Exams available to them. They will be able to download the Exam and log in. Candidates will then be held at a screen until the Exam is started.

  • Click Dashboard

  • Click Start Session for the Exam from the Dashboard

  • Click View then View Logins

  • Click the Checkbox to select all candidates (use the checkboxes to select/deselect candidates as required)

  • Click Start

This will start the exam for all (selected as required) candidates. The Exam is now in progress. The Exam can be monitored in the system.

ProctorExam Monitoring

Live monitoring statuses

Exam Day Candidate Statuses:

  • In set up – the candidate has clicked on the exam day link and is in the set up phase.

  • Exam started – the candidate has reached the begin exam page

  • Exam not started – suggests a delay and may indicate a problem. Once a candidate is in set up you can click on the name to see their webcam and screen share and check if they are ok and making progress through the set-up phase. 

  • Exam finished – they have clicked finish in the ProctorExam application, you can check if they have been logged out of risr/assess in the risr/assess dashboard.

Candidate Support Page

If you click on a candidate’s name this takes you to their support page. You can see the candidate and view any messages that a proctor or Tawk agent (technical support) have sent.

You can also send a message to the candidate via the support chat button, this should only be done in an emergency.

You can also see live candidates in the Back Office – note that this page can also be slow to load when the exam is in progress and is best accessed once the exam is completed wherever possible.

Tawk agents

ProctorExam provide technical support via chat, this is separate to the proctor /support chat function. The Tawk agents are available during the set-up process and can help with technical issues. If preferred you can be the Tawk agents for your exam – please ask if this is something you would like to consider. 

Proctor Reports

Proctor reports with flags and comments are available to download within 48hrs of the Exam ending. These can be accessed by clicking Settings, then Reports.

Fill in the reports fields as required to generate a CSV and PDF format file available to download.

Reviewing Candidates 

Once the exam is finished you can check the overall data for the exam via the Back-Office area. This will give an overview of attendance (those who started and finished in ProctorExam) and check for any automatically generated comments, these are irregularities automatically detected by ProctorExam software e.g. a loss of connectivity, a candidate accessing an outside link, a candidate leaving the room. 

Click on a students name to view the recording of their session.

You can review a random sample of candidates' recorded screen and webcam video via the Reviewer area accessed from the Home page or search for individual students via the Auditor area.