8.9 How to run a Sequential OSCE and process the results

This article gives the information required to successfully run Sequential OSCEs on Practique utilising our Combine Exams process. Here we will use the example of a 2 Sequence Exam where a set of Candidates will sit 1 Exam (Sequence 1) and then only sit the second Exam (Sequence 2) if they are required to do so because their score was below the pass mark.

In this process the Candidate Set will be the SAME across both exams sitting two DIFFERENT Item Sets. This is necessary for the combing process to work as expected: more information on the Combining Process and possible types of combination can be found here: INSERT LINK HERE

Step by Step Guide

Please see simple step by step guide below; we will assume you have set up the Exams already and are about to run them:

  1. Run Exam: Sequence 1

  2. Set Standard for Sequence 1 then Finalise Exam

  3. Run Candidate Feedback Report and send to Candidates to identify who will be exempt from taking Sequence 2 Exam as well as inviting the candidates required to take Sequence 2

  4. Run Exam: Phase 2 with all candidates that were not exempt (Excluding all Candidates that passed, these Candidates will be marked as DNA (Did Not Attend))

  5. Go to Exams, Create Combined Exam (Title - as appropriate, Exam Date - as appropriate, Type - OSCE) then add Phase 1 and Phase 2, check the box All candidates and items are included in the combined exam, then Verify

  6. Standard Set the Combined Exam and ensure to exclude candidates that were exempt and did not sit sequence 2, then finalise

  7. Create Candidate Feedback Reports for all Candidates that took both Exams Sequence 1 + 2 from the Combined Exam Reports page


The Data for the Combined Exam consisting of Sequence 1 and 2 will skew for Candidates that passed Sequence 1 and subsequently did not sit Sequence 2 if you run the Candidate Feedback Report from the Combined Exam for those Candidates.

Example: This is because the report will show SAME candidates, ABCD sitting DIFFERENT Item Sets 1 + 2, yet Candidate B + D did not sit Item Set 2. The Combined Exam Candidate Feedback Report will show all Candidates marked against the same Items (Sets 1 + 2) so Candidates ABCD will be marked out of 200 yet only Candidates A + C actually sat Sequence 2 of the Sequential OSCE and should therefore be marked out of 200.