Categories portlet

Categories portlet

What is the Categories portlet?

A portlet which allows the user to refine the content which is displayed on a webpage, filtering it by the category in which it is tagged by.

Adding content in the Categories portlet

  1. Navigate to the page that you would like to add the Categories portlet to (you need to be logged in).

  2. Once on the page, use the drop down menu on the right side of the edit bar that will be 'Your name'.

  3. Select 'Manage portlets'.

  4. You will now be taken to a page that allows you to select 'Primary portlets' and 'Secondary portlets'. Depending on the content type you can use, one or the other, or both. It is most common to use the 'Primary portlets'.

  5. Using the ‘Add portlet' drop down menu under the portlet location that you require, select ‘Categories.' You will then be taken to a page where you can configure this portlet.

  6. There are three headed sections in the Similar Items portlet edit interface:

  7. Content;

    1. Title

      1. This field defines the title of the portlet.

    2. Categories selector

      1. Two options exist in this dropdown menu, which will define the type on content pulled into the Categories portlet;

        1. From context

          1. If chosen, the Categories portlet will display the varying types of content which exist on the webpage, which are dependant on the features of the webpage in which the portlet is hosted.

          2. To determine which features exist on a given page, click ‘add new’ on the menu bar at the top of the screen, and note the content types that are displayed in the following dropdown menu.

        2. Category type

          1. If chosen, the Categories portlet will display types of content which relate to the specific category they are defined as.

  8. Category type

    1. As stipulated above, this is where the user can specify which type of category they wish for the portlet to display content from.

  9. Style;

    1. Box border

      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a border of their choice on either or both sides of the portlet.

    2. Box type

      1. This feature allows the user to deploy a highlighted background to the portlet.

  10. Advanced;

    1. Show only for sub-items

      1. Check this box if you would like to add the portlet at a section level, and define that it shows only on all the items in the section, rather than on the section as well.

Editing content in the Categories portlet

  1. Click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

  2. Select ‘Manage portlets’ from the dropdown menu

  3. Click onto the portlet you wish to and edit any of the fields you would like to.

Removing the Categories portlet

  1. If you wish to remove the Blog posts portlet, click on your name in the top right of the edit bar to access the drop-down menu, ensuring that you are on the correct page, which hosts the portlets in question.

  2. Select ‘Manage portlets’ from the dropdown menu

  3. Click on the X button, next to the portlet you wish to delete.

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