Station duration, double length stations & marking rounds

Station duration, double length stations & marking rounds

We know that exams do not all have the same length stations as some may be more complicated and require more time. You may also have to reset equipment or you may wish to give you examiners additional time to mark. It is possible to account for these different length stations when creating the Item in Practique. 

To make the changes you use the following fields that are in the "Item information" tab 

Examination duration (in rounds) Default = 1 -

Examination duration is the length of the station. A double length station will have value 2.

Note all station lengths must be multiples of a single station length

For example: if you the normal length of a station is 10 minutes (with a Examination duration of 1) then you can make a 20 minute station by setting the Examination duration to 2.

Marking duration (in rounds) Default = 0

If extra time is needed for examiners to mark immediately after seeing a candidate, you can add on marking time in rounds.

Note: we advise that all marking rounds should be of the same length as the examination duration unless all stations have a marking round then this can be different to the examination duration. 

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