Asset Library

Asset Library

Practique uses an asset library that allows you to attach documents, images, audio and video to items. 


 Viewing and creating assets

To view the asset library, from the dashboard go to 'Modify an existing item'. At the bottom of the page there is a button for the 'Asset Library'.

This brings you to the asset library, where thumbnails of the assets in the library are displayed. By clicking on these it is possible to change the status and view the versions of the asset. It is also possible to see which items the asset has been used in.

To add a new asset, click 'Create new asset'. This brings you to the asset creation form. The asset ID is pre-filled in the number field, and for most purposes you will not need to change this.

There is a field in the form to add tags to the asset, so that future searching for the asset is made easier. This is a space separated list.

 Asset submission and versioning

The submission workflow and versioning framework for assets is the same as for items and item sets.

Documentation for workflow and versioning can be found here.

 File Types

The file types that can be added to the asset library are governed by what can be displayed on iPads. You should always test that the assets can be displayed on the iPad before running an exam.

Supported file types:

  • Documents - .pdf
  • Images - .jpeg, .bmp, .png
  • Audio - .aac, .mp3
  • Video - .mov, .mp4
 Adding assets to an item

To attach an asset in the library to an item, go to edit that item, and then 'Item documents'. From here click 'Add a document', which will bring you to the item document creation form. To add an asset from the library, select the 'Asset' option, and then 'Choose from Asset library'. This will launch a pop up that will allow you to search and select an asset from the library.