8.12 How to create additional language variants

8.12 How to create additional language variants

Exam content can be delivered in languages other than English, however not all Item Question types support additional languages. To find out if an Item type is supported, refer to the How to guide for that Item. To find out more about enabling multiple languages contact the risr/ team.

Create a new language variant

Organisations delivering exam content in multiple languages can easily create Item translations from the original Item language variant. The language an item is first created in is the original language variant for the item. All subsequent language variants will be created from the original item. The original language variant is not required to be English, but this is the system default.

The original language variant for an Item is denoted with a star symbol. In the example below, the original language is English (EN).

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To create a new language variant for an item:

  • From the Items list page, find the Item and click on the language bubble for the language. An empty language icon indicates a variant for the item does not exist.

  • a system message is displayed asking for confirmation of the creation of the new language variant for the Item.

  • The new language variant is created populated with detail from the original variant. A new translation can be created by editing the item.

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create a new language variant

New language variants can also be created from within the Item detail page by clicking on Languages.

Language icons that are filled in and have a tick symbol, provides a visual indicator that there is already a variant created for the item in that language.

When edits are made to the original item variant, any other language variants that exist for the item will become outdated. A warning message is displayed to indicate updates may be required to the additional variants. The warning will persist until acknowledged.