8.7 How to create and manage Schemas

Creating a new Schema

  • Click Settings from the top menu bar

  • Click Manage Schemas

  • In the free text box under Add a new schema, enter the name for your schema

  • Click Add

  • For the schema just created click Edit answers

  • In the free text box in the Title column, enter a title for your answer

  • In the text edit box in the column Description, enter your answer. You can use a variety of formatting, special characters and table in the creation of your answers.

  • In the box under Value you can type or use the arrows to define the weighting (or value) for that answer

  • Click Add

  • Continue until all answers are created

  • Click Back to Schema List when complete

Editing a Schema

  • Click Edit for the Schema you wish to edit

  • You are able to change the name of the schema in the free text box

  • You click the check box to make the schema active or inactive. If the schema is inactive it will not be possible to use that schema when creating a marksheet.

Hiding inactive schema

By default inactive schema are hidden. If you click Show inactive schema then all inactive schema are displayed in the list. The message then changes to Hide inactive schema. Clicking again will hide the inactive schema