8.7 How to create and manage Global Criteria

Creating new Global Criteria

  • Click Settings from the top menu bar

  • Click Manage Global Criteria

  • Click + Add new criteria

  • In the dropdown menu under Section, you are required choose which Marksheet Section this Global Criteria should appear as part of

  • In the free text box under Text, write the question or description of this Global Criteria. This is for the Examiner so they understand what they are marking against/for

  • In the dropdown menu under Sheet Type, select what type of marksheet you want to use. This selection will change the creation options for the Global Criteria

  • Discrete - Allows Examiner to select an answer from a predefined list. This list can be selected from a predefined Marking Schema or created during the creation of Global Criteria custom to that Criteria

  • Boolean - Presents Examiner with a Yes / No response option

  • Free Text - Allows Examiner to type any answer

  • Audio - Allows Examiner to record a response

  • Label - CHECK THIS

  • For all (except if Label is selected) then using the free text box or arrows under Weight, you can now define the weighting for the response to the Global Criteria.

If you have used a predefined Schema that uses values, note that the weighting here will act as a multiplier for that value

  • Using the checkbox, define whether or not this Global Criteria is mandatory

  • Using the checkbox, define whether or not the response to this Global Criteria is visible to candidates as part of their feedback report

  • Using the checkbox, define whether or not this Global Criteria is used a borderline marker

  • Click Save

Editing a Global Criteria

  • Click Edit for any Global Criteria to bring up the initial creation screen. You can edit any original details here

  • Click Edit Schema (only applicable if Discrete - Custom is selected for Global Criteria details) to bring up the Edit Schema page

    • In the free text box in the Title column, enter a title for your answer

    • In the text edit box in the column Description, enter your answer. You can use a variety of formatting, special characters and table in the creation of your answers.

    • In the box under Value you can type or use the arrows to define the weighting (or value) for that answer

    • Click Add

    • Continue until all answers are created

    • Click Back to List when complete

  • Click Count As

    • You can add Blueprint Map coordinates to allow individual feedback responses to be mapped to a Blueprint Dimension. This is used for reporting purposes. Only Dimensions which are not already used by an Item are possible to be used.

    • Click Add coordinate for the map you select to add

    • Click Change to select the Category you want to map

    • Click Select for the Category you want to map

    • Repeat steps if there are more categories to map

    • Click Back to List when complete

  • Click Apply If

    • Using the Apply If functionality you can select whether the Global Criteria should only apply (or appear to be marked) if a Blueprint Map is applicable. As Blueprint Maps can be used for mapping data to Candidates, Examiners, Items, Resources and Role Players, it is important to be aware and precise if using this feature to ensure the Global Criteria only displays when you want it to.

    • Navigating the list of available Blueprint Dimensions and Categories select all that apply by clicking on the names

    • Click Save when complete

    • To return with no selections ensure there are no selected Categories or Dimensions and click Back to List

  • Click Admin

    • From this page you can view and update (in bulk) all Items that use the Global Criteria selected

    • Items in Draft state are always using the latest version of the Global criteria.

    • Pending, Approved or Archived items use a copy of global criteria which is made at the time of submitting.

    • When a global criteria is changed, it's usually good idea to create new version of all approved items so that items use the most recent Global criteria. This page allows you to update all items in bulk.

    • Once the update is finished, you will be able to download a list of modified items with link to old version and new version of the Item (depends on actual operation done on the items)

  • You can remove any Global Criteria by clicking Remove. This will archive the Global Criteria so it cannot be used in the future but all historical data is retained