8.7 How to create and manage risr/assess Users

Creating a New User

  • Click Settings in the top menu

  • Click risr/assess Users

  • Click + Create new User

  • Enter a Username (this is a required field)

  • Fill in the User’s First Name, Last Name and Email address

  • Choose from the drop down menu whether to

    • Manually assign permissions or groups (allows you to assign the New User to specific User Groups)

    • Grant all permissions (will give User all permissions within the system, we refer to these kinds of Users as Super Admins or Administrators)

  • If Manually assign permissions or groups is selected, then click in the check box for all User Groups you want this new User to be assigned to

  • You can then

    • Save and add another (Save this new User and proceed to create another User immediately)

    • Save and continue editing (Save your progress but remain on the same page)

    • Save (Save this new User and return you to the User management page)



Managing Users

From the Users screen you can search for Users using free text and filters and sort fields.

View Activity

When you click View Activity for any User you can see an overview of their actions within the system. This information includes date and time for all actions completed within risr/assess such as:

  • Logging in/out

  • Creating/Editing/Deleting assets including but not limited to Users/Items/Resources/Exams

Marking Changes the User has completed are visible in a separate column for clear visibility.


When you click Edit for any User you are able to change any information from the Create User screen including their assigned User Groups.


If you click Disable for any User you will disable their access to the system. That User will not be able log in again until you Enable them from the Users screen.