6.2.0: Practique Server
Product | Practique server |
Release Number | 6.2.0 |
Release Date | May 31, 2019 |
New Features
PSD-2336 OSCE Marksheet - Manage Schemas
We have added a new 'Description' field for item answers. You have the ability to use rich text formatting in this field.
PSD-2438 Examiner History Report
Under the Reports menu there are the 'Examiner History report', and the 'Candidate History report'. These can now be sent by email to selected users.
To use this functionality you will select the 'Email' button.
You can update the subject title and add a message, then select the users to email.
PSD-2378 Improvement to exporting examiner log in information for OSCEs
We have added the ability to export the login information. This feature can be accessed from the 'View' drop-down menu on the Dashboard 'Exams in progress' screen, by selecting 'Print login details'. This export includes the QR codes and has been created in a way that allows the Examiner log in information to be printed and cut to create badges/fast access tickets.
PSD-2450 EMQ enhancement
We have added an option to define 'Count As' for EMQ stems
PSD-2386 Added a bulk XLS export of data available in Examiner stats report.
PSD-2436 It is now possible to add DRAFT items to the item set for the item set review purposes.
PSD-2280 Preview marksheet now accessible in mark sheet and item information view.
PSD-2481 Added examiner ID column to candidate response export.
PSD-2477 Remove auto scale on the item analysis graph on the Exam analysis report as well as adding 'min' and 'max' to X and Y axis.
PSD-2338 Provide functionality for users to be able to download a preview of an item with the marksheet and all attached resources. Users now have the ability to select 'Include resource files'.
PSD-137 Added the ability to upload a cover document (created outside Practique, PDF) for a blueprint or have a cover template.
PSD-2519 Auto-allocate marshals to all circuits. Previously marshal was allocated to the first circuit only.
PSD-2454 Added TinyMCE fullscreen plugin. You are now able to edit the rich text in full-screen mode.
PSD-2510 Added an option to the Item bank export to include archived items. This includes adding two new columns to the Item bank export - Item version and Item state.
PSD-2510 Added Last used date and 3DS score (optional) to the Item bank export.
PSD-2537 Changed the placeholder AM/PM by SESSION for Notify candidates feature. Include Block name and location.
PSD-2537 Display list of sessions on Manage sessions page (preparing Candidates) and allow to change block and session name on the manage sessions page.
PSD-2485 Added a 'Parent' field to the Category edit form so that it is now possible to change the parent of a Category retrospectively.
PSD-2551 Added support for case-insensitive ordering and applied to the station title field in the Item list, Item replacement and Cumulative cut score item list.
PSD-2487 Added a backlink from the case edit page as previously we didn't have this, the context processor used the backlink from the session key already stored in the browser.
PSD-2559 We have made the Item export a background task. This also adds an option to show configuration form before the task is run.
PSD-2560 Support for Itemset sections and section randomization for P4B 2.0+.
PSD-2572 Do not automatically apply responses sent from P4B before or after exam session lifetime. They can be applied by the exam administrator manually.
PSD-2572 Improved list of failed marks. It is possible to set a mark as ignored so it does not appear on the list.
PSD-2573 Added blueprint tagging quick review popover to an item set view page.
Improved AuditLog entries for tagging an item or criteria and for ApplyIf of Global criteria.
PSD-2578 Added validation of multiple borderline markers on an Item (you should not be able to assign two different borderline markers tot he criteria on the item mark sheet.
PSD-1663 VSAQ answers can now be ordered alphabetically or by the number of responses.
PSD-2608 iPad does not list Written exams in the iPad exam list anymore.
Fix for examiner import/update field - 'Last Name' changed to 'Surname'
PSD-2488 Fixed close button on the double modal dialogue (eg. Force stop session).
Fixes for some backlinks when editing blueprints
PSD-2475 Fix for Excel extension for downloading item list (xls to xlsx).
PSD-2494 Allow deleting exam with marks if all marks are ghost. It means, if the exam was pushed and then reset, it is possible to delete the exam if there were no marks submitted to that exam.
PSD-2509 Fixed examiner role assignment on the allocation page.
PSD-2277 Fixed values for category breakdown on the Candidate feedback OSCE report. It was displaying totals instead of category-specific values.
PSD-2534 Fixed an error raised when removing or transitioning an Item if another item was created by cloning an older version of the item. See issue comments for details.
PSD-2534 Added migration to fix duplicated items affected by the bug introduced in Clone feature.
Correctly handle invalid sort_on argument passed to filtering form.
PSD-2536 Fix for adding boolean and label criteria to PDF preview of the palette. Previously item showing but empty.
PSD-2535 Fixing wording consistency in the system - removing 'palette'.
PSD-2558 Bugfix - the toggling show/hide of criteria and sections has now been fixed.
PSD-2550 Fixed path on devices list page when using pagination - previously using pagination redirected you to the wrong section in Practique.
PSD-2559 Item 3DS is now computed across all versions of the item, not from the current version only.
EMQ - fixed wrong default answer ordering and added an option to order answer alphanumerically or custom.
Fixed MTF after adding answer order to EMQ question type.
Fix for if a candidate is marked as "Finished" do not automatically accept new marks for that candidate.
PSD-2512 The order of session dates and items in a combined exam is truly defined by the order they were added in the creation process.
PSD-2447 Ignore handling of WSAssetUnlockMessage by default. This message causes an iPad to raise an Unhandled error after exam reset.
PSD-1795 Use thumbnail service from P4B if its available. This fixes the DICOM thumbnail issues.
PSD-1795 Backward compatibility for thumbnail service without a size argument.
Removed extra dot from an uploaded asset file name.
PSD-2338 Fix for if "Include resource files" is selected and there are no notes, Django crashed on PDF export.
PSD-2438 Fixed wording for Examiner history report form.
PSD-2560 Fix for a typo in candidateSections serializer caused the sections not being identified.