8.6: Practique Server


Practique server

Release Number


Release Date

Jun 23, 2022

New Features

Disabling backwards navigation for written exams

  • It is now possible to set written exams to prevent candidates from revisiting questions. Enabling this setting on a test means that the candidate must respond to all questions sequentially. Only within a MWQ can a candidate choose which subquestion they wish to answer. All parts of an MWQ must be answered before a user can move to the next question.

  • You may wish to disable backwards navigation in order to improve examination security or to allow you to include a series of questions where the previous question may provide the answer to a subsequent question.


VSAQ marking

  • VSAQ items can now be assigned to Markers/Marker groups enabling VSAQ marking to be completed through the Marker Dashboard.

  • Using the Marker Dashboard, Markers can easily identify & focus their time on responses which are not able to be auto-marked systematically.


  • Dk-1242: Blueprinting usability improvements: Enhanced filtering, collapsing and expanding of categories eases the navigation within master blueprints and supports users in gaining oversight of their Blueprinting.

  • DK-1594: Ability to export profile data of Examiners, Candidates and Role players in batch to excel.

  • DK-1595: Ability to export Practique user data to excel.

  • DK-1773: Changing Administration time to Assessment time in Practique for Browser.

  • DK-1703: You can now choose to mandate the use of Safe Exam Browser when creating your exam.  For additional security, you can also choose to add SEB browser keys and config keys which , if set, will verify the version of SEB and configuration used for the exam at the point of log in.

  • DHR-1627: If no data is available for a specific dimension when generating a candidate feedback report, the report will state ‘No data’ to clearly indicate to the user why no graph is provided.