


Release Number


Release Date

Sep 14, 2018


New Features

Dependent Sections

This brings the ability to choose to skip a section in the event type workflow dependent upon some conditions being met. You can set a section to be skipped based upon the values that are selected in any of the previous sections in the workflow.

Respond Within Preview

This allows users to fill in drafts or respond to invitations from other people right from within the preview popup. This means you can provide responses without leaving your position on the page, and even respond to invitations directly within an embedded report.

User Management

This allows the ability for the application to manage SSO users and local users simultaneously.

If your organisation is using SSO then you can now create users from within Kaizen itself. If we have integrated with your CRM then additionally this new user will be populated there and automatically linked to their Kaizen account. 

Admins can now also change usernames and passwords for users.


  • New progression view on each event to quickly show information on which sections have been completed in the workflow

  • New profile view page accessible from the avatar dropdown

  • Dashboard profile tile can now be customised to show just the information you need

  • Version information is now displayed within each event

  • 20MB upload limit for individual files has now been removed

  • Emails are no longer triggered when disabling or re-enabling users

  • Secondary emails can be added from within the system to a user's profile