2.12.1: Kaizen
Product | Kaizen |
Release Number | 2.12.1 |
Release Date | May 19, 2020 |
Reports embedded within event types now display the version number
When viewing another user’s timeline ‘Your to do list for this user’ now automatically updates upon event submission
Goals with no achievement targets set now display progress as simple number values or event links
Event type editor now displays a warning when a field upon which another field is dependent for visibility has been removed
New report filter event owner visible because of my role as
New events report filter role of event owner
Length of text for chart labels is now increased for better legibility
Event owners can now retract MSF invitations
It is now possible to approve your own responses from the pending sections area if you have the correct permissions
All goal overview tile now correctly displays all when there is no limit set
Restricted blueprints now display in the correct order when featured inside an event
Information on how a target calculates progress should now always be visible in the information popup
Logging out whilst on the create new event screen no longer shows an error
Fixed an incorrect method of calculation of goal progress in reports
Drafts can now no longer be submitted if the user does not have the permission to create events