8.11 risr/assess User Groups

Assigning a risr/assess User to a User Group is the method used to grant Users specific permissions and access to certain areas of the system. A User Group is created and can be considered as an organisational role, such as a marker, or Exam administrator. Both of these roles would require specific but different permissions for access within the system so User Groups for those roles are created and then the risr/assess Users are assigned to those User Groups as required.

All permissions





Blueprints - Add Exam blueprints

User is able to create Exam blueprints, user must also have View Exam blueprint permission.

Blueprints - Edit Exam blueprints

User can edit Exam blueprint, user must also have View Exam blueprint permission.

Blueprints - Manage Master blueprint

User can manage Master blueprint, user must also have View Exam blueprints permission. This permission allows working with Blueprint dimensions, categories and Blueprint maps.

Blueprints - View Exam blueprints

User can only view Exam blueprints.

Exams - Add new Exam

User is able to create new Exam, user must also have View Exams and Edit Exam permissions.

Exams - Approve Changed Candidate Marks

User can approve changed marks for candidates after they have been changed, user is also required to have enabled View Exams permission. It is advisable that only special type of users have this permission enabled.

Exams - Edit Exam

User can edit Exam, user must also have View Exams permission.

Exams - Generate and download video meeting recordings

If the video meeting recording is turned on for an exam this permission controls who can generate and download the recordings.

Exams - Manage exams

User can hide, unhide and delete exams.

Exams - Mark exams

User can mark exams

Exams - Marking and Changing Candidates Score

User can mark and change marks for candidates after exam has finished, user is also required to have enabled View Exams and Edit Exam permissions.

Exams - Publish to risr/advance

User can publish the exam results to risr/advance

Exams - Review exam

User can change reivew state of an exam (eg. approve/reject). User must also have View Exams.

Exams - Run exams

User can publish exams to devices or run an exam on paper. User must also have View Exams permission.

Exams - View Exams

User can only view Exams.

Item sets - Add new Item set

User is able to create new Item Set, user must also have View Item Sets, Edit Item Setand View (Own) Items permissions.

Item sets - Edit Item set

User can edit Item set, user must also have View Item sets, Edit Item set and View (Own) Items permissions.

Item sets - Review Item set

User can change review state of a Item set (eg. approve/reject). User must also have View Item sets permission.

Item sets - Score Item set

User can create scores.

Item sets - View Item sets

User can only view Item sets.

Items - Add new Item

User is able to create new Items, user must also have View (Own) Items and Edit Item permissions.

Items - Archive Item

Users can archive an item.

Items - Clone Item

Users can clone an item.

Items - Create a new version of Item

Users can create new version of an item. User with Edit Item or Edit Own Item can always create a new version of the item.

Items - Edit Item

User can edit Item, user must also have View Items permsission.

Items - Edit Own Item

User can edit own Items only, user must also have View Own Items permsission.

Items - Edit Pending Item

User can edit item in Pending state (Item is waiting for approval).

Items - Export Preview Item

Users can export item preview. User must also have View Items permission.

Items - Export Preview Own Item

Users can export it's own item preview. Make sure to disable Export Preview Item if you don't want user to be able to export items not owned by him. User must also have View Own Items permission.

Items - Export items

Users can export items from the item bank.

Items - Import items

Users can import items to the item bank.

Items - Review Item

Users can change review state of a Item (eg. approve/reject). This does not include archiving. See "Archive Item" permission. User must also have View (Own) Items permission.

Items - View Items

User can only view Items. This permission allows user to view all items in the item bank according to the user blueprint settings.

Items - View Own Items

User can only view own Items (created or edited by the current user).

Reports - View reports

User can access Reports section and run reports.

Resources - Add new Resource

User can add new Resource, user must also have View Resources and Edit Resource permissions.

Resources - Download Resource

User can download the resource as a file. Requires View Resources

Resources - Edit Resource

User can edit Resource, user must also have View Resource permission.

Resources - Review Resource

User can change review state of a Resource, user must also have View Resource permission.

Resources - View Resources

User can only view Resources.

Settings - Access browseable API

User can access browseable API documentation on the /rest endpoint.

Settings - Manage devices

User can access Settings > Devices and view/manage devices authorised to communicate with risr/assess Server.

Settings - Manage risr/assess

User can manage items in Settings menu except risr/assess users, groups and Devices.

Settings - Manage users

User can view, add, edit and delete users and manage their user group membership.