8.11 How to Create and Manage Global Resources

Creating A Global Resource

  • Click Resources from the top menu bar

  • Click Global Resources

  • Click + Add new document

  • In the free text box enter a name for your document

  • Using the drop down menu for Permission select whether this Global Resources applies to Candidates, Examiners or both

  • Click the Choose File button to select a file from your device’s library

  • Click Create

Editing a Global Resource

  • From the Resource Library page click Global Resources

  • Click Edit for the Global Resource you want to change

  • You can change the Name or the Permission and click Save Changes without having to create a new version

  • You can select a new file to be your Global Resource by clicking the Choose File button and selecting a different file. The free text box for Notes needs to be filled in with comments regarding the change.

  • Click Upload new version