8.10 How to preview Items

For any Written Item

  • Click Items

  • Click View for the Item you want to preview

  • Click Preview and Export

  • Click Export Item as

  • Click Exam Preview

  • Click Export

The Item will display as it would in a real Exam situation for all interactions including Resources (except audio and video) and Candidate answer selection and flagging


For any OSCE Item

  • Click Items

  • Click View for the Item you want to preview

  • Click Preview and Export

  • Click Export Item as

  • Click Exam Preview

  • Using the dropdown menu provided select as which User (role) you would like to preview the Item

    • Candidate

    • Examiner

    • Role Player

    • Marker

    • Observer

    • Admin

  • Click Export

The Item will display as it would in a real Exam situation for all interactions appropriate to the selected User, specifically Marksheet and Resource viewer