8.10 How to create an OSCE Station (Item)

  • Click Items from the top menu bar

  • Click + Create new Item

  • From the drop down list select OSCE Station

  • Using the free text box enter a title for your Item

  • You can edit the Case Number manually using the free text box or arrow buttons, otherwise the system will automatically populate this field. This field cannot be changed later.

  • Click Create Item





  • [Optional] Click in the box for Question Author(s) to identify who the author(s) of the Item is. If left blank then the current logged in user (you) will be identified as the Question Author.

  • [Optional] Using the free text box enter the name of the patient

  • [Optional] Using the free text box enter a summary of of the Item. For internal use and not seen by examiners.

  • Using the free text box or arrows provided identify the number of rounds this station will require for administration

  • Using the free text box or arrows provided identify the number of rounds this station will require for marking

  • Using the dropdown menu select whether the mark sheet should be displayed as split screen or full screen on Examiner devices.

  • Click Save Item



For OSCE Items you must build the Marksheet per Item

  • Click Marksheet

Any Global Criteria will automatically populate

  • Click + Add new criteria

  • Using the dropdown menu select which Section this criteria will appear in. Sections are built in Settings - Manage Sections

  • Using the free text box write the criteria text

  • Using the Dropdown menu select what type of sheet this criteria will use

    • Discrete - Using a defined list of responses

    • Boolean - Yes/No option only

    • Free Text - allows Examiner to write a response with no restrictions

    • Audio - allows Examiner to record a response verbally

    • Label - this means the criteria is for information only

  • [Applicable if selected Discrete criteria] using the dropdown menu select the Schema used for this criteria. If Local is selected then you will be required to build the mark sheet schema during Item Creation. Schemas are managed in Settings - Manage Schemas.

    • If you choose Local when you have created the criteria an option will appear for the Criteria on the mark sheet to Edit Schema. This is the same process as in creating Schemas in Settings - Manage Schemas

  • Using the free text box or arrows define the weighting for the criteria

  • Check the box for Mandatory if you require this criteria to be responded to

  • Check the box for Feedback Visible to Candidate if you want the response to be available to candidates in their feedback

  • [Optional] Click Count As to define Blueprint dimensions for individual feedback responses to be mapped to. Only dimensions which have not already been mapped to an Item's overall blueprint categorisation will be available here.

  • Repeat these steps until all Criteria has been created for the Item mark sheet

  • Click Submit for Review when finished

  • Enter any Comment using the free text box provided in the pop up window

  • Identify any user required to receive a notification via email that the Item has been submitted for review using the free text box provided

  • Click Submit for review

  • Once an item is submitted for review, the status changes to Pending. When an item is pending, you can no longer alter the schema that it is using, nor can you change the sheet type. This is to avoid synchronisation issues between the local marksheet associated with the item and the global criteria and schema.







If any Blueprinting is mandatory a warning will appear to help you tag your Item with the required information. You cannot proceed until this is done.

  • Click Blueprinting to navigate to the Blueprinting screen

  • Click Add coordinate for the relevant Blueprint Map

  • Click Change to identify the relevant Dimension(s)

  • Click Select to identify which coordinate(s) should be applied to the Item

  • Repeat until all blueprinting is complete





If no Blueprinting is required you are able to click Submit for Review for the Item to go through the review workflow.

  • Click Submit for Review

  • Enter any Comment using the free text box provided in the pop up window

  • Identify any user required to receive a notification via email that the Item has been submitted for review using the free text box provided

  • Click Submit for review



The following steps are [Optional] dependent on your requirements.

  • Click Item Resources

  • Click + Add a resource

  • [Optional] Using the free text box enter the Resource name

  • [Optional] Using the free text box enter the Resource caption

  • Click the word Choose to open the system Resource library and select the Resource required


  • Click Choose File to open your device library and select a file to upload to the system as a new Resource

  • If Consent is not applicable to the file your are uploading then check the box provided

  • If consent is applicable and provided then upload the consent form using the Choose File button to open your device library and select the relevant

  • Check the box for Declaration identifying that consent has been given

  • If any Blueprint tagging is required for this Resource it can be done at this stage by clicking Change. You can then search or click through the menus to identify which tags apply to the Resource.

  • If multiple Resources are required click Save and add another.

  • Click Save to return to the Item overview