8.8 How to deliver an OSCE Exam (iPad delivery)

For any OSCE Exam that is set up and ready to start

  • Click View then View Sessions for the Exam from the Exams list

  • Click Publish to Devices

This step will enable Examiners to view and select the Exam from the list of Exams available to them on the iPad app. They will be able to download the Exam and log in. A guide for Examiners on the day experience can be found here.

The following steps are optional depending on how you are managing Examiner login details:

  • Click View then View logins

  • Click Print Examiner Login Details to obtain a QR code that can be printed and given to your Examiners for quick and simple login procedure using the iPad’s camera to scan the Examiner unique code

When the Exam is ready to begin with all Examiners logged in and prepared:

  • Click Dashboard

  • Click Start Session for the Exam from the Dashboard

This will start the Exam. The Exam is now in progress. The Exam can be monitored in the system.





View rotation - view starting rooms - change examiner - need to republish the exams - RISK - iPad needs to download the new Exam so recommended approach get the reserve examiner to use login credentials for the examiner that dropped out, then post exam change examiner details


View logins


More info about each user below

Print examiner login details - only one login per login at any one time


Quite Safe for OSCE as timing is regulated outside of risr/assess - examiners are only able to log in and read their mark sheets


View logins - logged in logged out green to not green



Bracketed Responses - rejected responses (by server) - if user goes offline, responds, then only comes back online after exam session has ended then responses will be rejected by server - admins can accept rejected response post exam


View Candidates watch marks come in

View Items - View Item information live

View Examiners  -