8.7 View Rotations - OSCE

The View Rotations screen gives you an overview of the Rotation by Circuit. The comparative grid shows Room number by column and Round number by row. Each entry shows the Candidate ID and name, the Item number (with a link to view the Item), Examiner ID and name and any relevant Role Player information.

There are further links to view Schedule, Rooms, Starting Rooms and the ability to Change the number of Rooms.

View Schedule

The View Schedule screen shows the same information as the View Rotations screen in a different format. Here the information is shown as a list (by circuit) ordered by Room number. All entries for Room 1 are first, then Room 2, and so on.

View Rooms

The View Rooms screen gives a basic overview of the Room information by Circuit. Only the Room Number, Candidate ID and Candidate Name are given in the information list.

View Starting Rooms

The View Starting Rooms screen shows an overview of the starting room information including which Item, Examiner and any Role players or Observers are allocated to each Room by Circuit.