8.12 Review States

risr/assess uses a universal submission workflow for Items, Item Sets and Resources.

This workflow is closely linked to the permissions framework. Different users or groups of users will have the ability to create, review and approve Items, Item Sets and Resources or a combination of those abilities.

Review State


Review State



New (or new version of an) asset is being created. It cannot be used in the system.


New (or new version of an) asset has been created and submitted for review. It cannot be used in the system.


New (or new version of an) asset has been approved. It can be used in the system.


An asset has been retired or a new version of an asset has been created, creating a past version of an asset. Neither be used in the system.


Below is an example workflow for creating and approving a new OSCE Item.

It is possible to create custom review states within the workflow. We can build these steps into the system if required.

  • Create a new Item

  • This new Item will be in Draft state

  • Submit Item for review

  • This Item will now be in Pending state

  • Wait for approval or (approve depending on permissions)

    • If the Item is Returned or Rejected it will return to Draft state

    • If the Item is Approved it will moved to Approved state and can be used in the system

  • If you edit an Approved Item you are required to create a new version of the Item. The previous version of that Item will be moved to Archived state

  • If you Retire an Item so it can no longer be used in the system the Item will be moved into Archived state