8.11 Exam Blueprints

8.11 Exam Blueprints

Exam Blueprints in risr/assess are used as generic Exam type templates containing a set of standard requirements and conditions that should be used when creating Item Sets and Exams. Utilising them allows you to create frameworks for Exams that may reoccur periodically, where the Exams follow the same structure but only require different questions (Items). For example, you may run an OSCE every Summer with the same number of Stations, using the same settings and for the same year group.

The exam blueprint consists of:

  • Blueprint information

  • Blueprint exam settings

  • Blueprint exam grade settings

  • Blueprint constraints

At the bottom of each blueprint, a list of item sets and exams where the blueprint has been used will be shown. 

Note: to be able to add the exam settings to the blueprint, the user must have the correct permissions.

Blueprint information

Blueprint information allows you to select the exam type (OSCE or Written) and exam delivery platform (Browser, iPad or Paper). The chosen exam type and delivery platform tailors the selections you need to make as only relevant parameters will be shown.

Exam defaults terminology 

Exam Default


Exam venue candidate capacity

This is the maximum number of candidates that your exam venue can accommodate per circuit

Number of blocks (during an exam day)

Can be used if you intend to run different groups of candidates, using different Item Sets on the same day. One block can accommodate one Item Set.

Number of sessions (during an exam block)

Sessions can be used if you want to run different groups of candidates within the same block (all using the same Item Set) on the same day.

Number of circuits per one session

Circuits are run concurrently. This field determines the number of circuits that your exam centre can accommodate at the same time. The number of candidates each circuit will contain is set within the field for Exam venue candidate capacity.

Default standard setting method

Choose between Angoff, Ebel, Borderline Group and Borderline Regression, Adjustable Borderline Regression, McManus Borderline Regression .

Exam title

Can be used to populate a standard naming convention with unique fields (date/season) to be replaced during the exam creation.

Number of days

The number of days that the exam runs over.

Assessment ID

The assessment ID may contain an external ID that can be used to pair up with an external system ID if required.


Restrictions can be used to limit usage of the exam blueprint to one or more selected categories as set up in the Master blueprint.

If restrictions are applied in the master blueprint then users must also have the same restrictions in order to allow them access to the blueprint.

Setting restrictions limits the users who can select an exam blueprint when creating item Sets and exams. Users must also have the same restrictions set. Exam blueprints can be restricted to any dimension that is made applicable to Exam Blueprints.

For example, if the Specialty dimension is made applicable to exam blueprints and users. When an exam blueprint is restricted to ‘Pediatrics’, only users  that are also restricted to ‘Pediatrics’ will be able to select that exam blueprint when creating their item Set and exam.


Blueprint exam settings

The blueprint exam settings allow you to create a template for all the settings available in the exam type that you have chosen. Only the settings relevant to the chosen blueprint information will be available when creating this template. 

Note: Settings that are relevant when delivering an OSCE on the iPad will be different to those relevant when delivering a remote OSCE in a browser.

You may not see all settings as they are configured specifically for your instance. If you have questions regarding availability of exam settings, please contact your risr/ team. 

All blueprint exam settings can be adjusted at the time of exam creation, allowing flexibility whilst still making use of the templating functionality. 


Blueprint exam grade setting

Grade banding (labelling and %)  can be set as part of the blueprint and adjusted if required after the exam has taken place. 


Blueprint constraints

The Blueprint constraints will provide the criteria for any automatically generated content for your Exam. To create Item Sets automatically,  risr/assess uses the number of stations (for OSCEs) and the Exam size (for written) to determine the number of items required and the Exam Blueprint constraints to find matching items from the item bank.

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