8.10 Exam Analysis Report
The Exam Analysis Report shows overall statistics from an Exam, including item performance, exam standard remodelling and the stations vs. total scores chart.
Cumulative Percentage Curve
Represents score frequency distribution from the minimal exam score to the maximal exam score.
Item | Description | Useful links |
Number of candidates | Number of candidates that sat the exam. Candidates that are excluded from exam are not included in the calculations. |
Number of items | Number of items in the exam. Items that are excluded are not included in the calculations. |
Minimum score | Smallest score achieved on exam. |
Maximum score | Largest score achieved on exam. |
Median | The median value is the score value in the middle of the sorted score array. | https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.median.html |
Mode | mode = scored.mode() --> scipy.mode(): Mode or Modal value is returning the most common score value in the list of scores. If there are more then oen value the smallest is returned. If there a no most common values it returns the smallest score in the exam. | https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.19.1/reference/generated/scipy.stats.mode.html |
Mean | The sum of all scores over the number of scores. | https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.mean.html |
Standard error of mean |
Standard deviation | First calculating the mean score of the exam. Then we calculate (x - mean)^2 for each score. Then summary of each squared differences is divided by number of scores - 1. -1 is used as standard statistical practice for better estimation. Squared root is take from last result. | https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.std.htm |
Skew | Checking if data is noramlly distributed. If > 0 it is more squeezed to left if < 0 it is more squeezed to right. | https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.skew.html |
Kurtosis | It defines sharpness of the distributed data at the peak of the curve. We are using Pearson definition. |
Classical Test Theory
Item | Description | Useful links |
Cut Score | scored.exam_cut_score() --> sum(self.get_cut_scores().values() --> get_scored_cases() --> returns instances of Scored cases (set by standard method) : Sum of cut score of all stations divided by number of stations/questions. |
Cronbach | Cronbach’s Alpha | |
SE of measurement | The Standard Error of Measurement (not to be confused with the Standard Error of the Mean) gives an indication of the spread of the measurement errors, when estimating candidates' true scores from the observed scores. It is calculated from the reliability coefficient (Practique uses Chronbach's alpha). It is assumed that the sampling errors are normally distributed. The SEM is calculated as SEM = S(1 – rxx)0.5 where S is the standard deviation of the exam, and rxx is the reliability coefficient (Chronbach's alpha). The key application of SEM in Practique is to apply a confidence interval to the cut score. For example, if you would like to be 68% sure of the pass/fail decision, the SEM indicates that the candidates within 1 SEM of the cut score may fluctuate to the other side of the cut score should they take the exam again. For example, if you wanted to be 95% sure of your decision on outcomes, an SEM multiplier of 1.96 can be applied. These figures are based on the Normal Distribution. Practique applies this on the positive side for most Standard Setting methods, as we are dealing with competency exams. In practice, what this means is that you are 95% certain that the passing candidates scores represent their true scores. | |
SEm mulitplier | See above | |
Error (SEm * multiplier) |
Pass Score rounded |
Pass Rate |