8.10 Master Blueprint

8.10 Master Blueprint

The Master Blueprint in risr/assess is how you manage the metadata used to apply information to Items, Candidates, Examiners and Resources. This metadata is applied to your Item with this extra information that exists as a Blueprint Dimension which is tagged to that Item using a Blueprint Map. These tags can be used to produce detailed reports and categorisation of Exam data, such as your curriculum or domains of competence.

Blueprint Dimensions

Blueprint Dimensions are the types of blueprint field you want to create, such as ‘Year of Study’ or ‘Anatomy’. Within the Blueprint Dimensions are the categories that apply. You can think of the Blueprint Dimension as the title for group (or the set) of categories that exist within. The categories of the Blueprint Dimension will be the specific information you are tagging to an Item.

Year of Study


Year of Study


Year 1


Year 2


Year 3



Blueprint Maps

Blueprint Maps are then required to be able to use the Blueprint Dimensions and categories available in your Master Blueprint. A Blueprint Map is the method of application that must be used in order to tag the information to an Item, it ‘maps’ the information and will later be how reports are able to distinguish, filter and show this information.

Blueprint Dimensions not assigned to any Blueprint Map

Blueprint Dimensions not assigned to any Blueprint Map simply lists all Blueprint Dimensions that have not yet been applied to a Blueprint and so these Blueprint Dimensions are not yet available to be used in risr/assess.

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