8.9 Resource Viewer
Available from versions: 8.4 (Practique Server) and 2.7.89 (P4B)
Feature release date: 28/02/2022
In Practique for Browser (P4B) participants of an Exam (both OSCE and Written) are often required to view Resources. Resources include Patient notes, histories, DICOM images, multiple page PDFs and other forms of documentation included to aid the Candidate, Examiner or Role Player.
The Resource Viewer functionality has been updated for all types of Resources used in Practique and is relevant to both written exams and OSCEs.
User Guide
Exam Participants are able to use the controls featured in the Resource Viewer, it is possible from the inset menu to:
scroll [s] between pages and sections of a DICOM image or PDF document
pan [p] around the image/document using the mouse
zoom [z] in on the image/document
rotate [r] the image/document
reset [e] the image/document back to its original state
There are also fixed options which are:
Reset View - Reset any changes made by use of any other options
Previous/Next Page Selection Arrows - to change the page of a multi-page document, or between the slices of a DICOM image
Full Page - Toggle view of Resource to full page (click again to return to standard view) - you are still able to double click on a resource to make it full page, and double click again to reduce it back to the smaller size
Close Viewer - Returns the participant to the standard view of P4B and closes the Resource Viewer
When viewing a Resource in full screen, the Timing Bar for ROSCE is hidden
If the Resource Menu Bar Disappears at any point, it is brought back into view by scrolling up