8.9 Demonstration (Preview) Exam

8.9 Demonstration (Preview) Exam


A demo exam can be used to demonstrate the exam experience to stakeholders, examiners, role players or candidates in a static environment separate from your live and test instances. Reasons why a demo exam might be useful could relate to user system orientation and content testing. The setup of a demo exam is facilitated by a member of the risr/ delivery team and is requested by contacting the Service Desk.

How It Works

Firstly an exam suitable for demonstration would need to be created in your live or test instance. We recommend using your test instance. This exam would include demonstration questions and resources (questions and resources that would never be used in a live exam). This exam would exist on a risr/ operated static website which allows multiple users to log in at the same time. Data is not logged for the session and there is no data to download at the end of the experience. An exam user would log in to the exam using credentials given to them, and they would be able to explore the interface of risr/assess as would be required of them on a real exam day situation.

For any exam type, only one candidate is required to be allocated. If the demo is for an OSCE then an Examiner and Role Player (as required) will need to be allocated in addition to your candidate, this is so the Examiner and Role Player roles are able to login and explore their respective interfaces to fully prepare for exam day.

Additionally, when logging into risr/assess the user will need to select the correct exam from the drop down menu so that they can access the demo, this will of course be clearly identified prior to the demonstration.

Required Information for facilitation

The exam will need to be created as required on your live or test instance (we recommend test). Exam creation includes all regular steps including selection of interface feature you want users to be able to access such as highlighting, calculator, etc.

For OSCE demonstrations the following users will need to be allocated:

  • A demo Candidate

  • A demo Examiner

  • A demo Role Player (as required)

For Written Exam demonstrations the following users will need to be allocated

  • A demo Candidate

You will need to submit a ticket to the support desk with the following information:

  • Exam URL when the Exam is set up

  • Username and Password for each user of the exam (single Candidate, Examiner and Role Player as required)

  • Exam PIN


Once we have this information, our team will work to create the exam and we will notify you on the original Service Ticket with your Demo Exam URL. You are then able to send out this URL and the login details as required so your stakeholders can familiarise themselves with the interface.

Do not send out demonstration exam information in the same email as the live exam information. This can be confusing for Examiners, Candidates and Role Players who may, on exam day, try to log in to the demo exam rather than the live exam.



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