8.7 Candidate Feedback Report

8.7 Candidate Feedback Report

The Candidate Feedback Report is a highly configurable extract of data and information relevant to specific candidates. It can be defined to include a variety of information about a specific candidate’s performance in an exam.

the report can include overall performance and outcomes breakdown of performance by blueprint category/dimension/tag, individual station performance and personalised narrative feedback. This report can be configured to optionally show comparison to the cohort performance, answer keys, passing calculations and item tagging information.






Useful links



Useful links

Overall score

Overall score in percentage for the whole exam / candidate


Cohort average

Student performance against cohort group (average of students)



Student passed of failed


Result Analysis Per Station



Useful links



Useful links

Class average

Cohort group average


Feedback from examiner

Any text feedback given by the Examiner for that candidate for that station. 


Items breakdown

Break down per station


Pass mark

The Pass mark is the score which candidates must achieve in order to pass based on score. The pass mark is calculated by combining the station cut score (based on the type of standard setting method chosen) and the Standard Error of measurement (SEm multiplier + cut score)

NOTE: The Pass mark can be entered manually per station which will override the Practique calculated passmark. 


Results analysis graph

Visual representation of candidate score, cut score, and average score


Results by station

Passing or failing question


Your score

Score calculated from summary of marks in observation criteria