8.7 Server Monitoring

8.7 Server Monitoring

This feature is available since risr/assess (Practique) 4.1.9.

risr/assess allows IT teams to monitor health of the risr/assess Server and provides API to integrate risr/assess Status page with 3rd party monitoring tools. At the moment status page provides simple JSON API which provides detailed information about the Server and server sub-services.

risr/assess Status page is available at https://{host}/status where {host} designates your risr/assess instance host.

Options and JSON API

https://{host}/status (alias for ?format=json)

{"status": "OK", "status_code": 200, "name": "{host}"} or {"status": "ERROR", "status_code": 500, "message": " wsi:[Errno 111] Connection refused", "name": "{host}"}

https://{host}/status?format=plain (Nagios like interface)

OK or CRITICAL wsi:[Errno 111] Connection refused

https://{host}/status?format=full (pretty formatted JSON including service detail and configuration variables)

{ "status": "OK", "status_code": 200, "config": { "ios_app_version": "app >=2.1.0, <4.13", "auto_approve": true, "database": "practique" }, "services": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "http" }, { "status": "OK", "message": "", "code": 200, "name": "wsi" }, { "status": "OK", "message": "", "code": 200, "name": "celery" } ], "name": "{host}" } or { "status": "ERROR", "name": "{host}", "status_code": 500, "services": [ { "status": "OK", "code": 200, "name": "http" }, { "status": "ERROR", "message": "[Errno 111] Connection refused", "code": 500, "name": "wsi" }, { "status": "OK", "message": "", "code": 200, "name": "celery" } ], "message": " wsi:[Errno 111] Connection refused", "config": { "ios_app_version": "app >=2.1.0, <4.13", "auto_approve": true, "database": "practique" } }