8.7 How to disable backwards navigation

8.7 How to disable backwards navigation

It is possible to disable backwards navigation for a Written Exam delivered using risr/asses, doing so will mean that a candidate sitting the exam can not go back to a question they have already answered and change their answer, nor will candidates be able to flag questions to return to. This means that the journey through the exam is linear and provides an extra layer of protection against collusion between candidates.

The candidate will not be able to progress to the next question via the Next button until they have answered the current question, once they progress to the next question they will not be able to return to a previous one. This functionality is not available for OSCE Exams. The candidate will still be able to view their progress through the Exam in the overview bar on the left hand side of the screen, however this bar will not be interactive in an exam where backwards navigation is disabled.


Set Up Guide

When setting up a new Exam you can Enable (default) or Disable Backwards Navigation for the Exam you are creating. This setting is found in the Exam Settings section of the Edit Exam Details Page.


Candidate View with Backwards Navigation Disabled



If Disable Backwards Navigation is Enabled then the candidate will not be able to return to any previously answered question during their exam.