6.9.0 Haiku
20 Mar 2019
Three column display for contents listing pages
Currently, if you define that you want a web page within a section to use a '3 columns view', you will see that the left column gets narrower to accommodate the portlets on the right side of the page. However, when you do this, you are unable to made the default landing page of the section have a 3 column layout as well, due to the way that the landing page is managed. We propose that with this improvement, we will change the way that this is managed, so that editors will be able to define that all pages, including the landing page of a section, will be able to use the 3 column view. In turn, this will provide a better experience for users, it will mean that switching between pages in the section will not be jarring with the left column changing widths.
Add 'Image ratios' field selector for latest news tile
Implement site-wide search configuration panel
Add option to hide research group page title
Fixed the sort order of the sitemap to ensure that it replicates the site structure
Fix 'Load more' action on search results pages
Fix for iCal exporting
Refactor image listings
Refactor files listing
Fix for image display on news listing
Fix for images on news and events listing portlets
Fix for RSS feeds on news and events content types
Update search result views
Improve search support for FAQ items
Exclude taxonomy types from search
Use the listing image as Twitter Cards image
Reinstate social icons tile
Remove the 'Source URL' option from the image content type
Limit manage features form access to the site administrator role
Make image file mandatory on image content type
Hide compose and layout actions for research groups when subscribed or remotely published
Prepare to move search code to haiku.core