

Practique Server

Release Number


Release Date

Dec 21, 2018


New Features

OSCE Multiple Marking
Practique now supports the ability to have multiple markers within an OSCE station. It is possible to set up the exam so that both examiners can independently log in to an iPad, and mark candidates at the same time. At present, they must use the same marksheet, but in future we will be adding the ability to mark separate marksheets. It is possible to resolve these marks in a few ways.

There are a few different ways that the multiple marking can be set up. This mainly concerns how the marks are adjudicated.

  • Each examiners mark can be summed, to give an overall total mark for the station. 

  • The marks can be manually resolved, by a senior marker after the exam

  • The marks can be averaged, if below a certain tolerance. For example, if the marks are within 10% of each other, they are averaged, if they are above this, they need to be resolved.

As part of this work, we have also developed a marking conflicts report, which allows administrators and examiners to see which marks are divergent, and need resolving.

As Multiple Marking is a complex feature, that requires some configuration, please get in contact with us via the Service Desk to help us set this up for you.

Exclude Items from Item Sets
Practique now supports more advanced exclusion from Item Sets, where items used in previous exams can be explicitly excluded. This supplements the functionality that has been added this year on improving the item set generation algorithm, excluding items used within a time period, adding hard constraints and adding blueprint reporting. This means that it is now much faster to generate better quality item sets that more accurately match the exam blueprint.

Bulk import and export of Candidate and examiner information. 

You can now download the candidate and examiner database and make bulk changes via CSV upload

To be able to update candidates or examiners information through upload, they have to exist in the system. It is not possible to add new candidates or examiners through Update operation. We have added a dropdown menu in the Candidate and Examiner list pages from where you can choose from three different operations.

  1. Import new candidates/examiners

  2. Update candidate/examiner information

  3. Export candidate/examiner

If you want to update existing candidates or examiners information, there are 2 mandatory fields that have to be present in the CSV file.

  1. ID

  2. Email

All other fields can be blank.

During the update operation on the field/column mapping step, you will be able to click on the "Review before upload" button, where you can review the information you are about to change with the upload.

We have also added ability to export candidates/examiners for easier editing of existing candidates/examiners in the CSV file.

Clinical Prioritisation Question and Situational Judgement Question Types

In this release we have added support for CPQ and SJT question types. These can now be created in the item bank, and delivered via Practique for Browser. These questions allow better insight into the cognitive model that candidates use to approach clinical and related situations.


PSD-2110 Ebel Judging Improvements
Practique now checks that a user is not disabled before assigned as an Ebel judge. Additionally, it is easier for administrators to remove judges from the list. This is available to users with Practique Manage permission

PSD-2096 Examiner allocation UI improvements
It is now much easier to scroll this table vertically and horizontally.

PSD-1967, PSD-1968, PSD-2007 Improvement to OSCE item resources

In this release, multiple Examiner Notes, Candidate Notes, Marking Notes and Role Player Notes can be added to OSCE stations. Previously it was only possible to have one of each, with more added as a 'Resource' type. Now multiple documents can be added as these. We also now allow for the custom captioning of these resources. If a resource does not have a name set when creating the station, Practique will now, by default, label it with the type of resource, eg 'Examiner Notes'. Additionally, it is now more prominent where to upload a PDF resource.

"show to candidate" is now hidden by default for new instances. It's left on for pre-existing instances to avoid the UX changing suddenly - You can request via service desk if you want it turned off.

PSD-1966 New Label Observation Criteria

In this release we have added a new label criteria which can be added to OSCE marksheets. This allows instructions and text to be inserted in to the marksheets on iPads.

PSD-2045 Show link to View sessions from Continue preparing page when exam is fully locked
This will improve the exam creation workflow, so it is easy to move between the session page and the exam set up.

PSD-2044 Improved item creation workflow
When creating many items, Practique now remembers the type you last created, and pre-fills this part of the form for you.

PSD-1873 Case insensitive marking of VSA items
It is now possible to configure Practique to ignore case sensitivity when marking VSA items.

PSD-2071 iPad Exam Listing matches that on dashboard
Previously the order of exams listed on the iPad depended on when they were created. Now they match the order on the dashboard.

PSD-1912 Added a new filter to select whether items have been assigned to any Item Set in Practique

PSD-2055 Warning shown and push of exam prevented if there is one floor marshal assigned to more than one circuit in the same session

PSD-1645 New Cumulative Cut Score Report
We have added a new Cumulative Cut Score Report, which allows you to generate a cut score from multiple administrations of the exam. You can select the item you want to run the report on, and which exams to include. Additionally the cumulative cut score can be shown on some exam exports.

PSD-2007 Support the display of patient names on the iPad
The server now sends the patient name to the iPads, if it is set. Please contact us via service desk if you with for this to be activated on your instance. 

PSD-2078 View starting room page now shows the station name
Previously the case patient name was shown.

PSD-2095, PSD-1926 Speed improvements
We have made improvements in the ways that the Examiner Allocation and View Rotation pages are loaded.

PSD-2095 Added support for additional exam roles
It is now possible to allocate additional exam roles such as a senior marshal, calibration facilitator and observers to exams.


PSD-2118 Item export does not export dimensions
The item export spreadsheet did not correctly include all dimensions. This has now been fixed.

Fixed back link from task detail to exam overview

PSD-2010 Set the CSP Fail Legend to always appear when viewing marks
Previously this was not always shown

PSD-1902 Possible to download obsolete results
If results are being processed (eg in a background task), it is possible to download an obsolete version of these results. The system now warns you if this is the case.

PSD-1960 Allow customised indexing of SBA question answers
In this release, we now support more customised indexing of the possible responses

PSD-2034 Error when pushing exam with empty sessions
Practique now handles the pushing of empty sessions (which is valid in some edge cases) to the iPads better.

PSD-1972 Candidate session preference uses name rather than number
Previously, Practique used session numbers to indicate candidate session preference. We then changed sessions to use session names. However, when indicating session preference, we now need to also use the number. This has now been fixed.

PSD-2019 Changes to the way that hierarchical blueprint categories are displayed
It is now clearer which lower level blueprint categories have been selected.

PSD-2016 Error in resetting an exam that has been combined to another exam
Previously, it was not possible to reset an exam that had been combined to another exam. This is now possible.

PSD-1771 Entering marks manually not in the same order as the Item Marksheet
Sometimes it is necessary to view or enter the marks for a candidate on the server. There was a minor bug which caused the order of these criteria to not always exactly match the order defined in the item marksheet. This has now been fixed. 

PSD-2072 Error in exam rotation
When delivering multi-marked exams, changing the item set when the exam is being prepared caused a bug in the rotation. This has now been fixed.

PSD-2081 Fix for an error raised when user tried to search for an unassigned candidate
If a Candidate is assigned to an exam, but not a session, when searching for them from the change assignment page the candidate would not appear. The candidate now appears in the search results

PSD-1620 Change description of 'Publish Results' to 'Finalise Results'
After an exam has been standard set, the results can be finalised so they can no longer be adjusted. Previously this was called 'Publish Results', which lead to some possible confusion, as this connotes that the results may be made available to candidates (or other users). This has now been renamed to 'Finalise Results'.


PSD-2089 Django Admin can be optionally disabled
Where appropriate, the Django admin console can be disabled if required

PSD-2089 Fixed XSS on the login page
Previously there was a possible cross-site scripting vulnerability on the login page. This has now been rectified.