
Date: 18/12/17




Ability to Clone an Item

This feature was developed to reduce the number of repetitive tasks required in creating Items with similar or very similar information. The newly cloned Item will be assigned a new Item Number and a version number. 

FeaturePE-0001CSV import validationIncluding HTML validation

Item Set Sections

As written exam content is often split into different parts, for example, this may be by the style of question (e.g. first answer 100 SBAs, then 50 EMQs) or the subject focus (e.g. the first 10 questions on Cardiology, the next 10 questions on Nephrology etc...) or by some other arbitrary reasoning, Item Set Section was developed to better manage this process. Previously, Item Sets presented item content in 1 block and it was difficult to differentiate different sections within it. This new feature allows Item Sets to take the form of multi-section papers. Item Sections can be introduced in the Item Set and a corresponding Item Section Title and Item Section Description can be added. This features puts us in good stead to build more complex business logic in the future (e.g. only allow SBAs on Cardiology in section 1, allow any style question on ENT in section 2). 

Sections can be created with Add Item Set Section button

And sections can be moved up and down by dragging and dropping the section in the Item set view page


Customising PDF templates

Ability for developer to implement a customised PDF template for exam paper delivery upon request. 


Asynchronous task management

This is a multi-part feature that was introduced in Practique to make more efficient use of exam administrators' time. Within Practique, there are tasks such as generating or downloading reports which takes the system a significant amount of time to complete depending on the size of exam being processed and the amount of data contained. Previously, when downloading or generating reports, the user was not able to move from the page on which the task was taking place. With the introduction of asynchronous task management, the user is now able to navigate to others parts of Practique whilst a process in ongoing. For each task, there is a notification which appears every 15 minutes at the top right corner of the brower to indicate whether a task has finished. The notification will also clearly indicate the status of the task, for example, if the task was "ABORTED" or if it failed "FAILURE". A task list page was also created indicating the status of each task in the corresponding column. 


(for written and OSCEs)

  • After the task has finished there is a Task details button on Item Set page.
  • On item set page there is a dropdown button "Preparing..." with task details. 


(for written and OSCE)

  • Papers are generated and ready for download after task has finished on session page and on Task Detail page.
  • When deleting task and its result generated zip file is also deleted from the server. 
  • When creating papers for written exam there is percentage indicator of task progress 
  • If the task is aborted there is and idicator for that on the Session page and on Task Detail page. 


  • Combining OSCE exams and Written Exams
  • There is an indicator on exams page if combining is in progress.
  • There is Aborted label if task has been aborted and on Task Detail page and Task List page it is showed as aborted as well. 

ImportCSVResultsTask / ImportCSVCaseResultsTask

(written and OSCE)

  • On success import of results on the Task Detail page, it shows the total number of rows, successfully imported items and errors.
  • If task has failed, this is reflected on the Task Detail Page and is listed as FAILED on the Task List page. 
  • Notification badge show up on the top right corner that task has failed
  • Reason of task failing is showed in task detail page as Python traceback (internal developer tool)


  • On Task Detail page the user can find the CSV and XLS files which have completed downloading. 


  • On Task Detail page the user can find the CSV and XLS files which have completed downloading. 



  • On Task Detail page the user can find the CSV and XLS files which have completed downloading. 


  • If task is aborted on task detail page it stops generating and gets the appropriate "ABORTED" status.


  • There is a downloadable link on the Exam Reports page and on the Task Detail page.


  • When task has finished successfully, there is a downloadable PDF on the Task Detail page.


  • When task has finished successfully, there is a downloadable PDF on the Task Detail page.


  • When task has finished successfully, there is a downloadable PDF on the Task Detail page.


  • When task has finished successfully, there is a downloadable PDF on the Task Detail page.


  • When task has finished successfully, the Emails are sent to candidates.


  • When task has finished successfully, there is a downloadable PDF on the Task Detail page.

Background Task List page Screenshots:


Blueprint Constraints - Add number of days

There is now a field that allows the user to specify the number of days since item has been used last time in the item set.

If items were not used for x number of days from the day of item set creation they are excluded in the generation of the item set.


Show if items were used recently in item set

There is an orange notification on Item Set page there are items in the item set that were used in previous item sets as per constraint defined in the blueprint.


ImprovementPRAC-1713Improved combined exams setup and validation. Previously, it was possible to combine any kind of exam blocks together. If incompatible blocks were merged together, the result did not make any sense. This improvement means that it now impossible to combine such exams. 

The user will get a pop-up window to warn user that the exams cannot be combained: 

ImprovementPRAC-1683Added an option to allow items imported from a CSV file to be left in a draft state. Previously, all items imported were automatically approved unless the import failed. 
  • Adding exam blueprint link to Items set details section
  • Moving Edit constraints, Edit blueprint and Delete buttons to the blueprint view page 


Blueprint Detail View Page Improvements: 

  • Disabled warning about different values in the constraints.
  • Display every Item Set just once on the blueprint page. Do not display constraint warnings if there are no constraints.
  • Changing the Back link in the header and adding number of Item Sets, Exams and Constraints on to the Blueprint View page
  • Checking if user has permissions to edit blueprint and constraints
  • Improving blueprint view page and populate it with blueprint information
This is related to PRAC-1390.
ImprovementPRAC-1590Improvement to Item Set titling.
ImprovementPRAC-1687Reporting code was refactored for more efficient creation of reports. This does not affect functionality.

Reports can still be:

  • Created
  • Previewed
  • PDF generated
  • and sent by email to candidate
ImprovementPRAC-1686The TinyMCE editor has been developed further to support tables to allow tables to be added to an Item. 

Improved asset files handling so that asset files are removed from the server when the asset is deleted.


Display number of uploaded answers per candidate

ImprovementPRAC-1674It is now possible to copy-paste MAthML code directly to TinyMCE window, including SBA answers
It is not possible to add the same email address to Examiner/Candidate. It is possible to edit Examiner/Candidate and add an already existing email address.
Improvement, Bug fixPRAC-1144

To edit the Master Blueprint, a User must also have permissions to view and edit exam blueprints

If the user only has "View exam blueprints" permission he can only view blueprints.

If the user has "View exam blueprints" and "Add exam blueprints" permissions, the user is able to create new Blueprint, but not to edit it.

If the user has "View exam blueprint", "Add exam blueprints" and "Edit exam blueprints" permissions he is able to edit Blueprints, as well as to edit/add Constraints.


Bug fixPRAC-1729When editing Blueprint Categories, user was previously redirected to the first page after editing the BP. The fix means that the user is will now be re-directed to the page he/she was on prior to making the edit. 
Bug fixPRAC-1711Fix for combining exams. 
Bug fix

Fix for datepicker. Replaced bootstrap datepicker component because it was breaking dropdowns.

Bug fixPRAC-1688Internal tool: Unpublish feature to be available to Fry in case requested by client. 
Bug fix

Disabled randomisation in exams delivered on P4B. This does not affect exams delivered on iPads.  

Bug fixPRAC-1685Fix for item numbering when new item has been added to the item set so it does not default to zero. 
Bug fixPRAC-1697

Fix so that filtering of dimensions combines different dimensions using OR filter instead of AND

Bug fixPRAC-1673

Fix for Candidate Marks on Pratique for Browser so that marks are assigned to the correct candidate ID. 

Bug fixPRAC-1496

Typo fix in Item export dialog window.

Bug fixPRAC-1497

Fix to correct misaligned exam control page.

Bug fixPRAC-1698Fix to clear the filter on the on the Item Set case replacement page when the user clicks "Clear filter". 
Bug fixPRAC-1704Fix SO THAT click "Update preview reports" button on the Standard page redirects the user to the Reports page instead of back to the Set standard page.
Bug fixPRAC-1750Fix import of questions with HTML entities
Bug fix
Fix for cover page docx preview
Bug fix
Fix for highlighting correct answers for ARQ and SBA


SecurityPRAC-1203Upgraded jQuery to v 3.2.1jQuery is updated to v3.2.1

Fix for Server Misconfiguration related to the jQuery update.