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You will require this information when you wish to edit a 'Publications' tile.

Step-by-step guide to editing the 'Publications tile'

  1. Navigate to the profile that you would like to update the content of (ensure that you are logged in, and have the appropriate editing rights).
  2. Click the 'Edit content' button on the top right of your profile.
  3. Click the 'Edit' button that appears when you hover your mouse over the publications tile.
  4. You will see a pop with the following fields:
    1. '


      Manage publications

      title' - Enter the title that you would like for the key publications on the tile.'Key publicaitons' - Using the multi select box, move the publications that you would like to show

      manually' - The checkbox for this will be ticked by default. If the checkbox is ticked, you will need to define your key publications manually by selecting the publications in the search field below. If you would like to manage your publications through the external source of publications from your website (e.g. Symplectic), uncheck the box, and click save on the tile.


      Please note: the first time that you activated the functionality to manage the key publications externally, this will clear any publications that are currently defined as 'Key' from the

      left box to the right box. Do this buy clicking on and highlighting a publication, and then use the arrows between the boxes to move the selected publications, and use the arrows to the right of the box on the right to change the order of the publications on the tile

      tile, and the key publications will then be populated in the next sync with the external source. If it is important for you to sync the profile more immediately than this, get in touch with your site administrator who is able to sync the publications on your profile in an ad-hoc way.

    2. 'Key publications' - Select your most important publications by using the 'Search for publications' search box. Start typing to see the items appearing.

    3. 'Number of key publications to show' - Use this field to define the number of key publications that will show, before a read more link is shown.
    4. 'Show Altmetric score for key publications' - Check this box to show the altmetric score for the publications on the tile.
    5. 'Recent publications title' - Enter the title that you would like for the recent publications on the tile.
    6. 'Number of recent publications to show' - Use this field to define the number of recent publications that will show, before a read more link is shown.
    7. 'Show Altmetric score for recent publications' - Check this box to show the altmetric score for the publications on the tile.
  5. Click 'Save' to ensure that any updates you have made to the tile are saved.

titleFor site administrators - ad-hoc publications sync

If you require to sync the publications for a specific profile on an ad-hoc basis, you are able to do so. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the profile that you would like to sync the publications for (ensure that you are logged in with 'Site administrator' permission level).
  2. Click on the 'Actions' drop-down menu in the edit bar at the top of the page.
  3. Select 'Sync publications' 
     Image Added
  4. This will run a task to sync the publications for the profile, to ensure that they are up to date. 
  5. If the profile has a large number of publications associated with it, you may see a time out error appear on your screen. This is only showing to you and not impacting the performance or view of the website/profile for anyone else. Please refresh the page and you will see the publications beginning to appear.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "profile" , "publications" ) and type = "page" and space = "HKB"
labelsprofile publications
