8.10 How to create and manage risr/assess User Groups

Creating a new User Group

  • Click Settings in the top menu

  • Click risr/assess User Groups

  • Click + Create new User Group

  • In the free text box provided, enter a name for your User Group (eg. Question Authors)

  • Now for any permission you want this User Group to have, click the check box

  • Click Create Group



Managing User Groups

You can View, Edit and Remove User Groups once they have been created.

View User Group

This page allows you to see an overview of the User Group including which permissions and which Users have been assigned to the User Group. From this page you are able to add Users to the User Group by:

  • Click User (Multiple users can be added by holding the ‘ctrl’ key on PC or ‘cmd’ key on Mac)

  • Click Add selected Users to group



Edit User Group

Clicking Edit for a specific User Group will allow you to add or remove permissions for that User Group as required.

  • Click in the check box for any permissions you want to add (click a filled check box to remove)

  • Click Save changes once all correct permissions have been added



Remove User Group

If you click Remove for a specific User Group a pop up warning will appear stating whether or not it is safe to remove the User Group. This warning is related to whether there are any Users still assigned to that User Group. At this point you can click Delete to remove the User Group or click Close to close the message and continue working.

If you choose to Delete the User Group and there are Users still assigned tot hat User Group then you will need to assign those Users to a new User Group otherwise they will not have any permissions (unless they are already assigned to other/multiple User Groups).