8.6 How to create Exam Blueprints

Creating an Exam Blueprint

  • From the top menu bar click Blueprints

  • Click + Create Exam Blueprint under Exam Blueprints



Blueprint General

  • Under Blueprint General in the free text box provided for Name, enter the name of your Exam Blueprint

  • Using the dropdown box for Exam Type, select whether this Exam Blueprint is for an OSCE or a Written Exam

  • Using the free text box or the arrows for Exam Size, enter the total number of Items that will be used in the Exam

  • (Written Only) Using the free text box or the arrows for Exam Maximum Marks, enter the total number of marks possible to be counted for the Exam. Do not set both Exam Size and Exam Maximum Marks.

  • By clicking the Choose File button for Cover document it is possible to upload a PDF file to act as a cover document for your exam. This option will not appear if you have set cover template content already in the backend of risr/assess



Exam Defaults

Using the arrows or by typing in the free text boxes fill out, as required, the information about your Exam. These can be changed and/or overwritten when creating an Exam, therefore unless you are using an Exam Blueprint many times we generally do not recommend filling out Exam Defaults at this stage.

Exam Default


Exam Default


Exam venue candidate capacity

This is the number of candidates per circuit. Include rest stations in this number.

Number of blocks

This is the number of blocks during an exam day

Number of sessions

The number of sessions in an exam block

Number of circuits

The number of circuits in each session

Standard setting method

Choose between Angoff, Ebel, Borderline Group and Borderline Regression.

This is the default standard setting for the exam.

This can be changed at a later stage.




If any Blueprint Dimensions (in your Master Blueprint) are applicable to Exam Blueprints then these will appear here. You can select Blueprint Dimension Categories to restrict use of the Exam Blueprint to only be applicable for Users that also have the same Category (restriction) applied to them in order to use the Exam Blueprint. For example if you have a User that can only create Year 1 Exams then you could restrict the Exam Blueprint to only be viewed, edited and used by any User that has the same Blueprint category mapped.

  • Click the Change button

  • Click all Categories that you want to restrict the current Exam Blueprint by

  • Click Create Blueprint



Editing an Exam Blueprint

  • Click View Blueprint for the Exam Blueprint you wish to edit

  • Click Edit Blueprint to edit any details entered in the creation stage

  • Once Edited click Save Changes




Exam Blueprint Constraints

  • Click View Blueprint for the exam Blueprint you wish to edit

  • Click Add constraint group

  • Using the free text box for Group Name, type in the name for your constraint group

  • Using the free text box or arrows for Total, enter the value for the maximum number of Items to be generated by this constraint group

  • Click Add constraint group

  • Click Apply filters

  • Using the dropdown menu for Dimension, select the Dimension to be used as a constraint filter

  • Using the search box or drop down menu, select the category from the selected Dimension to be used as the constraint

  • Click Add constraint

  • Using the free text box or arrows, you can select the number of days between Item use and Item Set generation to have passed for an Item to be applicable in the Item Set generation

  • Using the free text boxes, enter the value allowances for each category in the constraint group as required, only either the Total Values or Percentage values can be used

    • Lower Bound - Minimum number of items

    • Upper Bound - Maximum number of items

    • Category Target - Target number of items

  • OR

    • Lower Bound % - Minimum percentage of items to match criteria

    • Upper Bound % - Maximum percentage of items to match criteria

    • Category Target % - Target percentage of items to match criteria

  • You can click in the check box under Delete if you wish to delete one or more of the created constraints

  • Click Save Page to save and continue working

  • Click Save page & Close to save and go back to the Blueprint