Question Bank Enhancements


RCPD-14 QTI Export - Question Data

RCPD-15 QTI Export - Images

RCPD-7 Form Upload (to bank)

RCPD-8 Form Upload (to item)

RCPD-9 View from Resource Bank

RCPD-10 Custom Declaration

RCPD-11 Declaration Text

RCPD-12 Optionality

RCPD-27 Resource extraction

PE:0065: QTI Export

User Stories

RCPD-14: Question Data

“AS AN Admin I WANT TO be able to generate an export of question data SO THAT I can upload this to PV's test system”

RCPD-15: Images

“AS AN Admin I WANT TO include images where relevant in the export SO THAT they can be included in the exam”







Login to Practique as an administrator


Create a user group “Exam Facilitator

click Settings
select Practique User Groups
click Create new User Group
enter Name “Exam Facilitator”
select Available Permissions as shown

click Create group


Create a user “ExamFacilitator”

click Settings
select Practique Users
click Create new User
enter Username “ExamFacilitator”
enter a working Email address - required to receive a password setting mail
select Available Groups “Exam Facilitator”

click Save



click Items
click Create new Item
select Item type “Single best answer question”
enter Item title “QTI Export Test”
click Create Item
enter content for Summary and Comments
click Add new answer 4 times
enter content for each, selecting one as correct


click Save item


login as ExamFacilitator
select Items tab
click View for the item created above


click Preview & Export
select QTI Export
chose to Save File

confirm a zip file containing the item is saved

note: currently we export only individual items. When import is verified on Pearson Vue we will extend this to export full item sets.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <assessmentItem xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" adaptive="false" identifier="552632683" title="Single best answer question #552632683 (version 1) en" xsi:schemaLocation="" timeDependent="false"> <responseDeclaration cardinality="single" identifier="RESPONSE" baseType="identifier"> <correctResponse> <value>A</value> </correctResponse> </responseDeclaration> <outcomeDeclaration cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE" baseType="float"/> <itemBody> <p>What is your <strong>favourite</strong> colour?</p> <div/> <choiceInteraction shuffle="false" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="1"> <simpleChoice identifier="A">Yellow</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="B">Red</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="C">Green</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="D">Blue</simpleChoice> </choiceInteraction> </itemBody> <responseProcessing template=""/> </assessmentItem>

login as an administrator again
select Items tab
click View for the item created above


click Item resources tab
enter Resource caption “A QTI export demo resource”
click Document Browse.. and select an image, for example

click Save


login as ExamFacilitator
select Items tab
click View for the item created above


select Item information
click Preview & Export
select QTI Export and chose to save the zip again

confirm that the image is now included in the zip, along with a reference to it in the qti.xml file

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <assessmentItem xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" adaptive="false" identifier="552632683" title="Single best answer question #552632683 (version 1) en" xsi:schemaLocation="" timeDependent="false"> <responseDeclaration cardinality="single" identifier="RESPONSE" baseType="identifier"> <correctResponse> <value>A</value> </correctResponse> </responseDeclaration> <outcomeDeclaration cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE" baseType="float"/> <itemBody> <p>What is your <strong>favourite</strong> colour?</p> <div> <object data="wrist-xray_WAmbfd6.jpg" type="image/jpeg"/> </div> <choiceInteraction shuffle="false" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="1"> <simpleChoice identifier="A">Yellow</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="B">Red</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="C">Green</simpleChoice> <simpleChoice identifier="D">Blue</simpleChoice> </choiceInteraction> </itemBody> <responseProcessing template=""/> </assessmentItem>

PE:0064: Resource Consent

User Stories

RCPD-7: Form Upload (to bank)

“AS A Question Author I WANT TO be able to attach a secondary image to a resource that I am uploading into the resource bank SO THAT I can capture a signed consent form.”

RCPD-8: Form Upload (to item)

“AS A Question Author I WANT TO be able to attach a secondary image to a resource that I am attaching directly to a question SO THAT I can capture a signed consent form.”

RCPD-9: View from Resource Bank

“AS AN Administrator I WANT TO be able to view the consent form when viewing the resource in the bank SO THAT I can verify that correct consent has been granted”

RCPD-10: Custom Declaration

“AS A Question Author I WANT TO indicate that I agree with the consent declaration when uploading a resource SO THAT I can formally declare permission has been granted.”

RCPD-11: Declaration Text

“AS A System I WANT TO be able to set a custom declaration text SO THAT customers can use their own wording.”

This is system config variable rather than user editable.

RCPD-12: Optionality

“AS A System I WANT TO be able to enable/disable consent form functionality as required SO THAT different customers can either require the form or not”






login as an administrator
select Resources tab



click on Create new resource

confirm that the option to add a Consent form is available

confirm that there is a consent check box

confirm the text in the declaration


enter details to create a new resource, uploading an dummy consent form
click Save

confirm that we have the option to View consent form



click View consent form

confirm the image we uploaded with the resource is displayed



select Items and create a new item as shown previously

confirm that when adding a resource the content form can be added and it behaves as when adding to the Resource bank


PE:0068: Resource Extraction

User Stories

RCPD-27 Resource extraction

“When delivering on paper, sometimes it is useful to separately prepare image resources. Therefore, it is useful to extract the image files from an item set.”










User selects ‘Preview’


User selects the ‘attach associated resources’. The option is disabled when selecting html


Shows the inline reference.


The downloaded zip files are expanded with the main document and the resource files.