You will need this information when you have added a List of items tile, and wish to populate it for the first time or edit it.
What is the List of items tile?
The list of items tile/selected items portlet are used for displaying links to multiple items of content from multiple sections and different content types. You can add any item of content from any section of your website into this tile/portlet. The tile/portlet is customisable and allows various different layouts and options to manipulate how you display the information.
Adding content into the List of items tile:
In the 'Compose' view, you will see that your List of items tile is empty (unless you are coming back to edit it!). To populate the List of items tile, you will need to drag items of content from the content chooser on the left of the compose view, into the tile. To then edit the properties of the tile, hover over the tile until you see the blue 'Edit' button in the top left, and then click on it.
There are four tabs of configuration:
'Content' tab:
This defines how many items the tile will show, useful if you want to have a scrollable list.
Full-width list - This will display items vertically, one per row, as wide as you set the column.
Horizontal scrolling list - This will display the most appropriate number of items dependant on the users' screen size from the number that you add to the tile. We would recommend adding now more than eight items to the tile if you are using this display option. Arrows to scroll through the items from right to left will display on all devices.
Full-width accordion - This will display items vertically, one per row, as wide as you set the column, but only the title of the item will display until the accordion is expanded to see all the details.
Multi-column thumbnail list - This will display numerous items in a multi-column listing, defined by the 'Layout' field below.
This lets you define where the images will sit in relation to their title and other selected fields.
'Highlight title'
If you check the box for this field, the title of the tile will be highlighted in your theme colour.
'Display fields'
This list allows you to define which fields associated with the items of content, show in the listing tile.
This field allows you to drag and drop to reorder the items in the list tile, remove items from the list tile as well as defining if their title shows or not.
'Fields' tab:
'Title mode'
This gives the user some control over how the title of the tile is displayed.
Extra fields
This functionality allows the user to specify any other extra information about the listing items featured in the tile.
Show lead images
Check the box if you would like to show the lead images for the items of content if they are available.
Lead images position
Use the dropdown menu to select the option that best suits how you would like to display the images with the content.
'Button' tab:
'Internal link'
If you choose an internal and an external link, the internal link will take priority.
'External link'
This should be a fully formed URL including 'https'.
'Button text'
This is the text that will appear on the button. If you do not provide text, default text will be shown e.g. 'Find out more'.
'Button alignment'
This defines where on the listing the button will be located
'Button type'
This defines what kind of button you want to show.
'Style' tab:
'Box Border'
This feature allows the user to deploy a border of their choice on either or both sides of the tile.
'Box type'
This feature allows the user to deploy a highlighted background to the portlet.
Editing content in the List of items tile:
Go to the 'Compose' view of the Cover page, navigate to the List of items tile, and hover your cursor over it, the blue 'Edit' button will appear in the top left, click this and edit any of the fields you would like to.
Removing the List of items tile:
If you wish to remove the List of items tile, navigate to the 'Layout' view of the cover page, and click 'x' in the top left of the tile. When deleting a tile, the tile you are selecting has a red border.
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