8.6 Dashboard (RM)

The risr/assess dashboard acts as the welcome page to the software. After logging in you are immediately shown all current Exams in Progress. This is important information for an administrator that is presented immediately and clearly.

For each Exam currently in progress there is information visible as a snapshot. You can see the Exam title and then for each Session there is the status of that Session, the date, the number of circuits, the ratio of Candidates, Stations and Examiners, the Exam Pin, and the Marking Info. The Marking Info shows four coloured boxes which will contain data pertaining to that Session.



Information Message



Information Message



Invalid Responses Count. See View Sessions Page

Shows the number of responses that are invalid or missing


Expected Marks Count

Shows the expected number of answered items


Received Responses Queue Count (these responses are not processed by the backend yet). This number should be 0 but can increase on a busy Exam. This number is shared across all live Exams.

Shows the number of responses in the queue to be processed on the backend


Received Marks Count. At the end of the Exam this number should be close, or equal, to the Expected Marks Count (blue)

Shows the number of received and processed responses


For each Session there are also navigation buttons that will change dependent on the status of the Exam.


Navigation Button


Navigation Button


View Details

Navigates to the Session Details page where more detailed information, errors, and options can be found

Exam Control

Navigates to the current Exam day Session view showing log in information for each Session

View - View rotation

Navigates to the Rotation overview for that Session. This shows the rotation of the Candidates and Examiners (and Role Players if applicable) for each Room and Round

View - View logins

Navigates to the Login details page for the Session. This page shows detailed Exam and candidate information and is where you perform some Exam-day candidate management tasks

View - View candidates

Navigates to a live overview for all Candidates in that Session

View - View items

Navigates to an overview of all Items included in the Exam

View - View recordings

Navigates to an overview of all recordings for the Session, filtered by circuit

View - Print login details examiners

Navigates to a printable page containing Examiner and Marshal login details

Start Session

Starts the selected Session

Stop Session

Stops the selected Session